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All Outputs (144)

On nonparametric predictive inference for asset and European option trading in the binomial tree model (2019)
Journal Article
Chen, J., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2019). On nonparametric predictive inference for asset and European option trading in the binomial tree model. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(10), 1678-1691.

This paper introduces a novel method for asset and option trading in a binomial scenario. This method uses nonparametric predictive inference (NPI), a statistical methodology within im- precise probability theory. Instead of inducing a single probabi... Read More about On nonparametric predictive inference for asset and European option trading in the binomial tree model.

A new study on reliability importance analysis of phased mission systems (2019)
Journal Article
Huang, X., Coolen, F., Coolen-Maturi, T., & Zhang, Y. (2020). A new study on reliability importance analysis of phased mission systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 69(2), 522-532.

Reliability importance which serves to quantify the influence of each component (or each type of components) in each phase on the reliability of a phased mission system (PMS) plays an important role in security assessment and risk management. In this... Read More about A new study on reliability importance analysis of phased mission systems.

Time-dependent reliability analysis of wind turbines considering load-sharing using fault tree analysis and Markov chains (2019)
Journal Article
Li, Y., & Coolen, F. (2019). Time-dependent reliability analysis of wind turbines considering load-sharing using fault tree analysis and Markov chains. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 233(6), 1074-1085.

Due to the high failure rates and the high cost of operation and maintenance of wind turbines, not only manufacturers but also service providers try many ways to improve the reliability of some critical components and subsystems. In reality, redundan... Read More about Time-dependent reliability analysis of wind turbines considering load-sharing using fault tree analysis and Markov chains.

Reliability analysis of general phased mission systems with a new survival signature (2019)
Journal Article
Huang, X., Aslett, L. J., & Coolen, F. P. (2019). Reliability analysis of general phased mission systems with a new survival signature. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 189, 416-422.

It is often difficult for a phased mission system (PMS) to be highly reliable, because this entails achieving high reliability in every phase of operation. Consequently, reliability analysis of such systems is of critical importance. However, efficie... Read More about Reliability analysis of general phased mission systems with a new survival signature.

Nonparametric predictive comparison of two diagnostic tests based on total numbers of correctly diagnosed individuals (2019)
Journal Article
Alabdulhadi, M., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2019). Nonparametric predictive comparison of two diagnostic tests based on total numbers of correctly diagnosed individuals. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 13, Article 38.

In clinical applications, it is important to compare and study the ability of diagnostic tests to discriminate between individuals with and without the disease. In this paper, comparison of two diagnostic tests is presented and discussed using nonpar... Read More about Nonparametric predictive comparison of two diagnostic tests based on total numbers of correctly diagnosed individuals.

Nonparametric Predictive Inference for European Option Pricing based on the Binomial Tree Model (2019)
Journal Article
He, T., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2019). Nonparametric Predictive Inference for European Option Pricing based on the Binomial Tree Model. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(10), 1692-1708.

In finance, option pricing is one of the main topics. A basic model for option pricing is the Binomial Tree Model, proposed by Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein in 1979 (CRR). This model assumes that the underlying asset price follows a binomial distribution... Read More about Nonparametric Predictive Inference for European Option Pricing based on the Binomial Tree Model.

A heuristic survival signature based approach for reliability-redundancy allocation (2019)
Journal Article
Huang, X., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2019). A heuristic survival signature based approach for reliability-redundancy allocation. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 185, 511-517.

In recent research, the major focus on reliability-redundancy allocation problems has been on the possibility of using more efficient and effective algorithms to improve convergence speed and solution accuracy of the optimization model. But the model... Read More about A heuristic survival signature based approach for reliability-redundancy allocation.

Applying prospect theory to multi-attribute problems with independence assumptions (2019)
Journal Article
Stanley, J., & Coolen, F. (2019). Applying prospect theory to multi-attribute problems with independence assumptions. Involve, 12(4), 687-711.

We discuss a descriptive theory of decision making which has received much attention in recent decades: prospect theory. We specifically focus on applying the theory to problems with two attributes, assisted by different independence assumptions. We... Read More about Applying prospect theory to multi-attribute problems with independence assumptions.

Nonparametric predictive inference for diagnostic test thresholds (2018)
Journal Article
Coolen-Maturi, T., Coolen, F., & Alabdulhadi, M. (2020). Nonparametric predictive inference for diagnostic test thresholds. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49(3), 697-725.

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application areas including medicine, machine learning and credit scoring. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and surface are useful tools to assess the ability of diagnosti... Read More about Nonparametric predictive inference for diagnostic test thresholds.

System reliability and component importance when components can be swapped upon failure (2018)
Journal Article
Najem, A., & Coolen, F. (2018). System reliability and component importance when components can be swapped upon failure. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35(3), 399-413.

Resilience of systems to failures during functioning is of great practical importance. One of the strategies that might be considered to enhance reliability and resilience of a system is swapping components when a component fails, thus replacing it b... Read More about System reliability and component importance when components can be swapped upon failure.

Extending the survival signature paradigm to complex systems with non-repairable dependent failures (2018)
Journal Article
George-Williams, H., Feng, G., Coolen, F., Beer, M., & Patelli, E. (2019). Extending the survival signature paradigm to complex systems with non-repairable dependent failures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 233(4), 505-519.

Dependent failures impose severe consequences on a complex system’s reliability and overall performance, and a realistic assessment, therefore, requires an adequate consideration of these failures. System survival signature opens up a new and efficie... Read More about Extending the survival signature paradigm to complex systems with non-repairable dependent failures.

Imprecise probabilistic inference for software run reliability growth models (2018)
Journal Article
Utkin, L., & Coolen, F. (2018). Imprecise probabilistic inference for software run reliability growth models. Journal of uncertain systems, 12(4), 292-308

This paper presents the application of an inferential statistical approach which combines imprecise Bayesian methods with likelihood inference, to a standard software run reliability growth model. The main idea of the approach is to divide the set of... Read More about Imprecise probabilistic inference for software run reliability growth models.

Approximations for the likelihood ratio statistic for hypothesis testing between two Beta distributions (2018)
Journal Article
Marques, F., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2019). Approximations for the likelihood ratio statistic for hypothesis testing between two Beta distributions. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 13, Article 17.

In this paper, the likelihood ratio to test between two Beta distributions is addressed. The exact distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic, for simple hypotheses, is obtained in terms of Gamma or Generalized Integer Gamma distributions, when t... Read More about Approximations for the likelihood ratio statistic for hypothesis testing between two Beta distributions.

Introducing nonparametric predictive inference methods for reproducibility of likelihood ratio tests (2018)
Journal Article
Marques, F., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Maturi, T. (2019). Introducing nonparametric predictive inference methods for reproducibility of likelihood ratio tests. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 13, Article 15.

This paper introduces the nonparametric predictive inference approach for reproducibility of likelihood ratio tests. The general idea of this approach is outlined for tests between two simple hypotheses, followed by an investigation of reproducibilit... Read More about Introducing nonparametric predictive inference methods for reproducibility of likelihood ratio tests.

Robustness of nonparametric predictive inference for future order statistics (2018)
Journal Article
Alqifari, H., & Coolen, F. (2019). Robustness of nonparametric predictive inference for future order statistics. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 13(1), Article 12.

This paper considers robustness of Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI), in particular considering inference involving future order statistics. The concept of robust inference is usually aimed at development of inference methods which are not too... Read More about Robustness of nonparametric predictive inference for future order statistics.

Non‐parametric predictive inference for the validation of credit rating systems (2018)
Journal Article
Coolen-Maturi, T., & Coolen, F. (2019). Non‐parametric predictive inference for the validation of credit rating systems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 182(4), 1189-1204.

Credit rating or credit scoring systems are important tools for estimating the obligor's creditworthiness and for providing an indication of the obligor's future status. The discriminatory power of a credit rating or credit scoring system refers to i... Read More about Non‐parametric predictive inference for the validation of credit rating systems.

Nonparametric predictive inference with parametric copulas for combining bivariate diagnostic tests (2018)
Journal Article
Muhammad, N., Coolen-Maturi, T., & Coolen, F. (2018). Nonparametric predictive inference with parametric copulas for combining bivariate diagnostic tests. Statistics, optimization & information computing, 6(3), 398-408.

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application areas including medicine, machine learning and credit scoring. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a useful tool to assess the ability of a diagnostic test to... Read More about Nonparametric predictive inference with parametric copulas for combining bivariate diagnostic tests.

A robust weighted SVR-based software reliability growth model (2018)
Journal Article
Utkin, L., & Coolen, F. (2018). A robust weighted SVR-based software reliability growth model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 176, 93-101.

This paper proposes a new software reliability growth model (SRGM), which can be regarded as an extension of the non-parametric SRGMs using support vector regression to predict probability measures of time to software failure. The first novelty under... Read More about A robust weighted SVR-based software reliability growth model.

Bayesian graphical models for high complexity testing: aspects of implementation (2018)
Book Chapter
Wooff, D., Goldstein, M., & Coolen, F. (2018). Bayesian graphical models for high complexity testing: aspects of implementation. In R. Kenett, F. Ruggeri, & F. Faltin (Eds.), Analytic methods in systems and software testing (213-243). Wiley.

This chapter presents a brief review of the Bayesian graphical models (BGM) approach to software testing, which the authors developed in close collaboration with industrial software testers. It provides discussion of a range of topics for practical i... Read More about Bayesian graphical models for high complexity testing: aspects of implementation.

Robust Bayesian reliability for complex systems under prior-data conflict (2018)
Journal Article
Walter, G., & Coolen, F. (2018). Robust Bayesian reliability for complex systems under prior-data conflict. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 4(3), Article 04018025.

This paper considers the quantification of system reliability in scenarios in which data, that is, failures or the absence of failures, occurring from the system’s use over time, are considered surprising from the perspective of prior information. A... Read More about Robust Bayesian reliability for complex systems under prior-data conflict.