Nonparametric predictive system reliability with redundancy allocation following component testing
Journal Article
MacPhee, I., Coolen, F., & Aboalkhair, A. (2009). Nonparametric predictive system reliability with redundancy allocation following component testing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 223(3), 181-188.
All Outputs (11)
Time-homogeneous birth-death processes with probability intervals and absorbing state (2009)
Journal Article
Crossman, R., Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. (2009). Time-homogeneous birth-death processes with probability intervals and absorbing state. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 3(1), 103-118.
Nonparametric predictive methods for acceptance sampling (2009)
Journal Article
Coolen, F., & Elsaeiti, M. (2009). Nonparametric predictive methods for acceptance sampling. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 3(4), 907-921.
Opportunity-based age replacement with a one-cycle criterion (2009)
Journal Article
Coolen-Schrijner, P., Shaw, S., & Coolen, F. (2009). Opportunity-based age replacement with a one-cycle criterion. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(10), 1428-1438.
Bayesian probability boxes in risk assessment (2009)
Journal Article
Montgomery, V., Coolen, F., & Hart, A. (2009). Bayesian probability boxes in risk assessment. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 3(1), 69-83.
Nonparametric predictive precedence testing for two groups (2009)
Journal Article
Coolen-Schrijner, P., Maturi, T., & Coolen, F. (2009). Nonparametric predictive precedence testing for two groups. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 3(1), 273-287.
A nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model: the case of a known number of categories. (2009)
Journal Article
Coolen, F., & Augustin, T. (2009). A nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model: the case of a known number of categories. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 50(2), 217-230.
Nonparametric predictive pairwise comparison for real-valued data with terminated tails (2009)
Journal Article
Maturi, T. A., Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. P. A. (2009). Nonparametric predictive pairwise comparison for real-valued data with terminated tails. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 51(1), 141-150.
Nonparametric predictive comparison of lifetime data under progressive censoring (2009)
Journal Article
Maturi, T. A., Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. P. A. (2010). Nonparametric predictive comparison of lifetime data under progressive censoring. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140(2), 515-525. reliability and lifetime testing, comparison of two groups of data is a common problem. It is often attractive, or even necessary, to make a quick and efficient decision in order to save time and costs. This paper presents a nonparametric predicti... Read More about Nonparametric predictive comparison of lifetime data under progressive censoring.
Imprecision in Statistical Theory and Practice (2009)
Journal Article
Coolen-Schrijner, P., Coolen, F. P., Troffaes, M. C., & Augustin, T. (2009). Imprecision in Statistical Theory and Practice. Journal of statistical theory and practice, 3(1), 1-9
Applying the imprecise Dirichlet model in cases with partial observations and dependencies in failure data (2009)
Journal Article
Troffaes, M., & Coolen, F. (2009). Applying the imprecise Dirichlet model in cases with partial observations and dependencies in failure data. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 50(2), 257-268. probabilistic methods in reliability provide exciting opportunities for dealing with partial observations and incomplete knowledge on dependencies in failure data. In this paper, we explore the use of the imprecise Dirichlet model for deali... Read More about Applying the imprecise Dirichlet model in cases with partial observations and dependencies in failure data.