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All Outputs (25)

'Difference in the House of Lords' (2006)
Journal Article
Rackley, E. (2006). 'Difference in the House of Lords'. Social and Legal Studies, 15(2), 163-185.

Taking the media reaction to Brenda Hale’s appointment to the appellate committee of the House of Lords in January 2004 as its starting point, this article considers the impact difference might have on understandings of both the judge and judging. It... Read More about 'Difference in the House of Lords'.

When Hercules met the Happy Prince: Re-Imagining the Judge (2005)
Journal Article
Rackley, E. (2005). When Hercules met the Happy Prince: Re-Imagining the Judge. Texas Wesleyan law review, 12(1), 213-232

Although often dismissed as a myth, the image of the judge as a Herculean superhero whose mission is to apply the law in a straightforward way retains a tenacious grip on our understandings of the judge and judging. The relationship between Oscar Wil... Read More about When Hercules met the Happy Prince: Re-Imagining the Judge.

Reassessing Portia: The Iconic Potential of Shakespeare's Woman Lawyer (2003)
Journal Article
Rackley, E. (2003). Reassessing Portia: The Iconic Potential of Shakespeare's Woman Lawyer. Feminist Legal Studies, 11(1), 25-44.

This paper considers the adoption of Portia, the heroine of The Merchant of Venice, by feminist legal scholars as a metaphor for the woman lawyer. It suggests that Portia has both captured and is captured by the feminist legal scholar's imagination,... Read More about Reassessing Portia: The Iconic Potential of Shakespeare's Woman Lawyer.

Representations of the (Woman) Judge: Hercules, the Little Mermaid, and the vain and naked Emperor (2002)
Journal Article
Rackley, E. (2002). Representations of the (Woman) Judge: Hercules, the Little Mermaid, and the vain and naked Emperor. Legal Studies, 22(4), 602-624.

This paper reconsiders images of the judge and, in particular, the position of the woman judge using fairy tale and myth. It begins by exploring the actuality of women's exclusion within the judiciary, traditional explanations for this and the impact... Read More about Representations of the (Woman) Judge: Hercules, the Little Mermaid, and the vain and naked Emperor.

The Politics of Porn .
Journal Article
McGlynn, C., & Rackley, E. (online). The Politics of Porn . New Law Journal, 1142-1143