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All Outputs (3)

Les tumulus allongés du Centre-Ouest de la France : nécropoles, espaces, paysages (2014)
Journal Article
Laporte, L., López-Romero, E., & Bernard, R. (2014). Les tumulus allongés du Centre-Ouest de la France : nécropoles, espaces, paysages. Préhistoires méditerranéennes, Colloque(2014),

La question des modes d’organisation territoriale des sociétés humaines reste peu explorée pour le Néolithique dans le Centre-Ouest de la France. Répertoriés dès 1840, des monuments aussi imposants que ceux de Tusson ou Luxé (Charente) n’avaient fait... Read More about Les tumulus allongés du Centre-Ouest de la France : nécropoles, espaces, paysages.

'Out of the box': exploring the 3D modelling potential of ancient image archives (2014)
Journal Article
López-Romero, E. (2014). 'Out of the box': exploring the 3D modelling potential of ancient image archives. Virtual Archaeology Review, 5(10), 107-116

3D reconstructions for research and conservation of archaeological sites and objects are becoming increasingly common as laser and photogrammetric techniques are now more readily accessible to non-specialists. Most of these imaging techniques have be... Read More about 'Out of the box': exploring the 3D modelling potential of ancient image archives.

The eSCOPES Project: preservation by record and monitoring at-risk coastal archaeological sites on the European Atlantic façade (2014)
Journal Article
López-Romero, E., Mañana-Borrazás, P., Daire, M., & Güimil-Fariña, A. (2014). The eSCOPES Project: preservation by record and monitoring at-risk coastal archaeological sites on the European Atlantic façade. Antiquity, 088(339),

Coastal landscapes, past and present, are unique spaces subject to intense evolution and change. At present, sea-level rise is one visible effect of climate change, and human activity is also threatening much coastal and island territory on a global... Read More about The eSCOPES Project: preservation by record and monitoring at-risk coastal archaeological sites on the European Atlantic façade.