Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds
Journal Article
Field, M., Gernon, T., Mock, A., Walters, A., Sparks, R., & Jerram, D. (2009). Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds. Lithos, 112(Supplement 1 ; Part 1), 23-35.
The Snap Lake hypabyssal kimberlite is a 15 degrees inclined intrusion that intrudes Archaean rocks of the Slave craton. Mapping has identified two main lithofacies within the intrusion, olivine-rich kimberlite (ORK) and olivine-poor kimberlite (OPK)... Read More about Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds.