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All Outputs (15)

Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds (2009)
Journal Article
Field, M., Gernon, T., Mock, A., Walters, A., Sparks, R., & Jerram, D. (2009). Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds. Lithos, 112(Supplement 1 ; Part 1), 23-35.

The Snap Lake hypabyssal kimberlite is a 15 degrees inclined intrusion that intrudes Archaean rocks of the Slave craton. Mapping has identified two main lithofacies within the intrusion, olivine-rich kimberlite (ORK) and olivine-poor kimberlite (OPK)... Read More about Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds.

3D crystal size distributions: A case study on quantifying olivine populations in kimberlites (2009)
Journal Article
Jerram, D. A., Mock, A., Davis, G. R., Field, M., & Brown, R. J. (2009). 3D crystal size distributions: A case study on quantifying olivine populations in kimberlites. Lithos, 112(Supplement 1 ; Part 1), 223-235.

New advances in textural analysis and imaging allow the possibility for the true distribution of mineral phases in a rock to be quantified to high resolution. Also we are able to explore the relations between 2D to 3D datasets more rigorously. In thi... Read More about 3D crystal size distributions: A case study on quantifying olivine populations in kimberlites.

Flood basalt facies from borehole data: implications for prospectivity and volcanology in volcanic rifted margins (2009)
Journal Article
Nelson, C. E., Jerram, D. A., & Hobbs, R. W. (2009). Flood basalt facies from borehole data: implications for prospectivity and volcanology in volcanic rifted margins. Petroleum Geoscience, 15(4), 313-324.

Flood basalt successions cover many. potentially prospective sedimentary basins world-wide, and a few instances exist of intra-basalt petroleum discoveries. However, little is known about the architecture and rock propel-ties of the lava flows, intru... Read More about Flood basalt facies from borehole data: implications for prospectivity and volcanology in volcanic rifted margins.

Introduction: from the British Tertiary into the future - modern perspectives on the British Palaeogene and North Atlantic Igneous provinces (2009)
Journal Article
Jerram, D. A., Goodenough, K. M., & Troll, V. R. (2009). Introduction: from the British Tertiary into the future - modern perspectives on the British Palaeogene and North Atlantic Igneous provinces. Geological Magazine, 146(3), 305-308.

The study of volcanic rocks and igneous centres has long been a classic part of geological research. Despite the lack of active volcanism, the British Isles have been a key centre for the study of igneous rocks ever since ancient lava flows and excav... Read More about Introduction: from the British Tertiary into the future - modern perspectives on the British Palaeogene and North Atlantic Igneous provinces.

The onset of the North Atlantic Igneous Province in a rifting perspective (2009)
Journal Article
Hansen, J., Jerram, D., McCaffrey, K., & Passey, S. (2009). The onset of the North Atlantic Igneous Province in a rifting perspective. Geological Magazine, 146(3), 309-325.

The processes that led to the onset and evolution of the North Atlantic Igneous Province IN A I P) have been a theme of debate ill the past decades. A popular theory has been that the impingement on the lower lithosphere of a hot mantle plume (the 'A... Read More about The onset of the North Atlantic Igneous Province in a rifting perspective.

Bang! Month-scale eruption triggering at Santorini Volcano (2008)
Journal Article
Martin, V., Morgan, D., Jerram, D., Caddick, M., Prior, D., & Davidson, J. (2008). Bang! Month-scale eruption triggering at Santorini Volcano. Science, 321(5893),

The time lag between intrusion of fresh, hot magma and an ensuing eruption is of critical importance in both understanding the triggering and mitigating the consequences of volcanic eruptions. This work looks at material erupted during 1925-28 at the... Read More about Bang! Month-scale eruption triggering at Santorini Volcano.

Sr and Pb isotope micro-analysis in plagioclase crystals from Skye lavas: An insight into open-system processes in a flood basalt province (2008)
Journal Article
Font, L., Davidson, J., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Jerram, D., & Ottley, C. (2008). Sr and Pb isotope micro-analysis in plagioclase crystals from Skye lavas: An insight into open-system processes in a flood basalt province. Journal of Petrology, 49(8), 1449-1471.

Crystals in many magmatic rocks are heterogeneous in terms of their isotope composition. Detailed crystal-isotope stratigraphy (CIS) studies have shown that crystals act as reliable recorders of their magma source composition and of the pathways of m... Read More about Sr and Pb isotope micro-analysis in plagioclase crystals from Skye lavas: An insight into open-system processes in a flood basalt province.

Understanding crystal populations and their significance through the magma plumbing system (2008)
Journal Article
Jerram, D. A., & Martin, V. (2008). Understanding crystal populations and their significance through the magma plumbing system. Geological Society Special Publications, 304, 133-148.

Crystals are rarely composed of a single crystal population that have grown solely from the batch of magma in which they are resident on emplacement, either by eruption or shallow intrusion. Close investigation of the majority of crystal populations... Read More about Understanding crystal populations and their significance through the magma plumbing system.

Combining CSD and isotopic microanalysis: Magma supply and mixing processes at Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy (2007)
Journal Article
Morgan, D., Jerram, D., Chertkoff, D., Davidson, J., Pearson, D., Kronz, A., & Nowell, G. (2007). Combining CSD and isotopic microanalysis: Magma supply and mixing processes at Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260(3-4), 419-431.

Integrating isotopic microanalysis with other analytical techniques creates powerful new methodologies for understanding the evolution of rock samples at the sub-grain scale. Here we present Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) data for a 26,000 year old... Read More about Combining CSD and isotopic microanalysis: Magma supply and mixing processes at Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy.

Crystal size distributions (CSD) in three dimensions: insights from the 3D reconstruction of a highly porphyritic rhyolite (2005)
Journal Article
Mock, A., & Jerram, D. (2005). Crystal size distributions (CSD) in three dimensions: insights from the 3D reconstruction of a highly porphyritic rhyolite. Journal of Petrology, 46(8), 1525-1541.

Growth histories and residence times of crystals in magmatic systems can be revealed by studying crystal sizes, size distributions and shapes. In this contribution, serial sectioning has been employed on a sample of porphyritic rhyolite from a Permo-... Read More about Crystal size distributions (CSD) in three dimensions: insights from the 3D reconstruction of a highly porphyritic rhyolite.

The anatomy of Continental Flood Basalt Provinces: Geological constraints on the processes and products of flood volcanism (2005)
Journal Article
Jerram, D., & Widdowson, M. (2005). The anatomy of Continental Flood Basalt Provinces: Geological constraints on the processes and products of flood volcanism. Lithos, 79(3-4), 385-405.

The internal architecture of the immense volumes of eruptive products in Continental Flood Basalt Provinces (CFBPs) provides vital clues, through the constraint of a chrono-stratigraphic framework, to the origins of major intraplate melting events. T... Read More about The anatomy of Continental Flood Basalt Provinces: Geological constraints on the processes and products of flood volcanism.

Quantifying the building blocks of igneous rocks: Are clustered crystal frameworks the foundation? (2003)
Journal Article
Jerram, D., Cheadle, M., & Philpotts, A. (2003). Quantifying the building blocks of igneous rocks: Are clustered crystal frameworks the foundation?. Journal of Petrology, 44(11), 2033-2051.

Most phenocryst populations in volcanic rocks, and those preserved in shallow-level igneous intrusions, are clustered (variously referred to as clots, clumps or glomerocrysts). These clusters of crystals are the building blocks that accumulate to for... Read More about Quantifying the building blocks of igneous rocks: Are clustered crystal frameworks the foundation?.

Lava-sediment interaction in desert settings; are all peperite-like textures the result of magma-water interaction? (2002)
Journal Article
Jerram, D., & Stollhofen, H. (2002). Lava-sediment interaction in desert settings; are all peperite-like textures the result of magma-water interaction?. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 114(1-2), 231-249.

This study reports on lava–sediment interaction in dry depositional settings focusing on the Early Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequence in the Huab Basin, NW Namibia, as a detailed example. Here an active aeolian sand sea (erg) system was progress... Read More about Lava-sediment interaction in desert settings; are all peperite-like textures the result of magma-water interaction?.