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A microgripper sensor device capable of detecting ion efflux from whole cells (2014)
Journal Article
Daunton, R., Wood, D., Gallant, A., & Kataky, R. (2014). A microgripper sensor device capable of detecting ion efflux from whole cells. RSC Advances, 4(92), 50536-50541.

Electrothermally actuated microgripper sensor devices that are capable of simultaneous manipulation of live mouse oocytes and the sensing of potassium ion efflux are presented. The ion selective electrode technology applied to a microgripper device y... Read More about A microgripper sensor device capable of detecting ion efflux from whole cells.

Poole-Frenkel conduction in single wall carbon nanotube composite films built up by electrostatic layer-by-layer deposition (2008)
Journal Article
Jombert, A., Coleman, K., Wood, D., Petty, M., & Zeze, D. (2008). Poole-Frenkel conduction in single wall carbon nanotube composite films built up by electrostatic layer-by-layer deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(9), Article 094503.

The fabrication of large area thin films of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) using electrostatic layer-by-layer deposition is reported. The in-plane current versus voltage (I-V) characteristics were dependent on the concentration of SWCNTs trans... Read More about Poole-Frenkel conduction in single wall carbon nanotube composite films built up by electrostatic layer-by-layer deposition.

Conical recessed gold microelectrode arrays produced during photolithographic methods: characterisation and causes (2007)
Journal Article
Aguiar, F., Gallant, A., Rosamond, M., Rhodes, A., Wood, D., & Kataky, R. (2007). Conical recessed gold microelectrode arrays produced during photolithographic methods: characterisation and causes. Electrochemistry Communications, 9(5), 879-885.

In this work, surface imaging techniques such as scanning Kelvin nanoprobe (SKN), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and white light interferometer microscopy show that conical recessed electrodes with gradient potential along the recessed walls are... Read More about Conical recessed gold microelectrode arrays produced during photolithographic methods: characterisation and causes.

Electrical investigations of layer-by-layer films of carbon nanotubes (2006)
Journal Article
Palumbo, M., Lee, K., Ahn, B., Suri, A., Coleman, K., Zeze, D., …Petty, M. (2006). Electrical investigations of layer-by-layer films of carbon nanotubes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(14), 3077-3085.

Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with anionic or cationic coatings have been prepared by exploiting the ability of certain surfactants to form a monolayer shell around the nanotube. The presence of electrically charged functional groups on the su... Read More about Electrical investigations of layer-by-layer films of carbon nanotubes.

Individually addressable recessed gold microelectrode arrays with monolayers of thio-cyclodextrin nanocavities (2005)
Journal Article
Grancharov, G., Khosravi, E., Wood, D., Turton, A., & Kataky, R. (2005). Individually addressable recessed gold microelectrode arrays with monolayers of thio-cyclodextrin nanocavities. Analyst, 130(10), 1351-1357.

Four, individually addressable 30 mu m diameter, e-beam deposited, gold microelectrodes recessed by 6 mm were suitably spaced on a single substrate to avoid diffusional overlap between each microelectrode. The single substrate device was functionalis... Read More about Individually addressable recessed gold microelectrode arrays with monolayers of thio-cyclodextrin nanocavities.