Redox heterogeneity of subsurface waters in the Mesoproterozoic ocean
Journal Article
Sperling, E., Rooney, A., Hays, L., Sergeeva, V., Vorob’eva, N., Sergeeva, N., …Knoll, A. (2014). Redox heterogeneity of subsurface waters in the Mesoproterozoic ocean. Geobiology, 12(5), 373-386.
A substantial body of evidence suggests that subsurface water masses in mid-Proterozoic marine basins were commonly anoxic, either euxinic (sulfidic) or ferruginous (free ferrous iron). To further document redox variations during this interval, a mul... Read More about Redox heterogeneity of subsurface waters in the Mesoproterozoic ocean.