Ekologicheskaya istoriya rossiiskikh stepei: Vasilii Dokuchaev i neurozhai 1891 g. The Environmental History of the Russian Steppes: Vasilii Dokuchaev and the Harvest Failure of 1891
Journal Article
Moon, D. (2009). Ekologicheskaya istoriya rossiiskikh stepei: Vasilii Dokuchaev i neurozhai 1891 g. The Environmental History of the Russian Steppes: Vasilii Dokuchaev and the Harvest Failure of 1891. Вопросы истории естествознания и техники. Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniâ i tehniki, 3, 48-71
This article examines aspects of the environmental histories of the Russian steppes in the long term and in a comparative framework by focusing on the work of the prominent Russian scientist Vasilii Dokuchaev in response to the drought and harvest fa... Read More about Ekologicheskaya istoriya rossiiskikh stepei: Vasilii Dokuchaev i neurozhai 1891 g. The Environmental History of the Russian Steppes: Vasilii Dokuchaev and the Harvest Failure of 1891.