Drumbeg: glacial sedimentology and tectonostratigraphy.
Book Chapter
Phillips, E., Auton, C., Evans, D., & Benn, D. (2003). Drumbeg: glacial sedimentology and tectonostratigraphy. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (88-103). Quaternary Research Association
All Outputs (263)
Glaciers. (2003)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2003). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 27(2), 261-274
Ice marginal terrestrial landsystems: active temperate glacier margins. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Ice marginal terrestrial landsystems: active temperate glacier margins. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (12-43). Hodder Arnold
Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation (2003)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2003). Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 32(1), 76-101. https://doi.org/10.1080/03009480310001047Late Devensian/Midlandian glacial deposits on the southeast Irish coast contain a record of sedimentation at the margins of the Irish Sea ice stream (ISIS). Exposures through the Screen Hills reveal a stratigraphy that documents the initial onshore f... Read More about Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation.
Modern and Ancient Ice-marginal landsystems. (2002)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Russell, A. (2002). Modern and Ancient Ice-marginal landsystems. Sedimentary Geology, 149(1-3),
Site Report: Speeton (TA 146 759). (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Speeton (TA 146 759). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (65-71). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Site Report: Kelsey Hill (TA 239 266). (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Kelsey Hill (TA 239 266). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (77-81). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Glacial Geology and Geomorphology. (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Glacial Geology and Geomorphology. In R. Meyers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (719-751). (3rd ed.). Academic Press
Site Report: Castlethorpe (SE 978 077). (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Castlethorpe (SE 978 077). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (589-583). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Site Report: Dimlington (TA 390 220). (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Dimlington (TA 390 220). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (139-144). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Site Report: Sewerby (TA 198 683). (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Sewerby (TA 198 683). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (71-77). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Site Report: Gransmoor (TA 113 597). (2002)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Gransmoor (TA 113 597). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (257-264). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Geomorphology and style of plateau icefield deglaciation in fjord terrains: the example of Troms-Finnmark, north Norway. (2002)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Rea, B., Hansom, J., & Whalley, W. (2002). Geomorphology and style of plateau icefield deglaciation in fjord terrains: the example of Troms-Finnmark, north Norway. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(3), 221-239
Sediments and landforms at Kvíárjökull, southeast Iceland: a reappraisal of the glaciated valley landsystem. (2002)
Journal Article
Spedding, N., & Evans, D. (2002). Sediments and landforms at Kvíárjökull, southeast Iceland: a reappraisal of the glaciated valley landsystem. Sedimentary Geology, 149, 21-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0037-0738%2801%2900242-1
Polyphase deformation at an oscillating ice margin following the Loch Lomond Readvance, central Scotland, UK. (2002)
Journal Article
Phillips, E., Evans, D., & Auton, C. (2002). Polyphase deformation at an oscillating ice margin following the Loch Lomond Readvance, central Scotland, UK. Sedimentary Geology, 149, 157-182
The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland (2002)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Twigg, D. (2002). The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21(20-22), 2143-2177. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0277-3791%2802%2900019-7Accurate interpretations of ancient glaciated terrains rely heavily on our knowledge of process–form relationships in contemporary glacierized basins. A landsystems model for temperate, actively receding glaciers is presented based upon Breiðamerkurj... Read More about The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland.
Sedimentary evidence for deforming bed conditions associated with a grounded Irish Sea glacier, southern Ireland. (2001)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2001). Sedimentary evidence for deforming bed conditions associated with a grounded Irish Sea glacier, southern Ireland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(5), 435-454. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.631
Introduction to the Late Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: The Glacial History of East Yorkshire. (2001)
Book Chapter
Evans, D., Thomson, S., & Clark, C. (2001). Introduction to the Late Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: The Glacial History of East Yorkshire. In M. Bateman, P. Buckland, C. Frederick, & N. Whitehouse (Eds.), The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: Field Guide (1-12). Quaternary Research Association
Site Report: Gembling (TA 120 580). (2001)
Book Chapter
Thomson, S., & Evans, D. (2001). Site Report: Gembling (TA 120 580). In M. Bateman, P. Buckland, C. Frederick, & N. Whitehouse (Eds.), The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: Field Guide (73-81). Quaternary Research Association
Glaciers. (2001)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2001). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 25(3), 428-439