Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Fjord. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopeida of Geomorphology (374-376). Routeldge
All Outputs (24)
Glaciers. (2003)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2003). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 27(2), 261-274
Drumbeg: glacial sedimentology and tectonostratigraphy. (2003)
Book Chapter
Phillips, E., Auton, C., Evans, D., & Benn, D. (2003). Drumbeg: glacial sedimentology and tectonostratigraphy. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (88-103). Quaternary Research Association
Introduction to glacial landsystems. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Introduction to glacial landsystems. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (1-11). Hodder Arnold
Late Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Western Highland Boundary. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D., & Rose, J. (2003). Late Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (21-29). Quaternary Research Association
Plateau icefield landsystems. (2003)
Book Chapter
Rea, B., & Evans, D. (2003). Plateau icefield landsystems. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (407-431). Hodder Arnold
Bedrock geology and physiography of the Western Highland Boundary. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Bedrock geology and physiography of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (2-4). Quaternary Research Association
Ice-marginal terrestrial landsystems: sub-polar glacier margins of the Canadian and Greenland high arctic. (2003)
Book Chapter
Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & England, J. (2003). Ice-marginal terrestrial landsystems: sub-polar glacier margins of the Canadian and Greenland high arctic. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (44-64). Hodder Arnold
Surging glacier landsystem. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D., & Rea, B. (2003). Surging glacier landsystem. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (259-288). Hodder Arnold
The Whangie and Paraglacial landslides of the Campsie Fells (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D., & Hansom, J. (2003). The Whangie and Paraglacial landslides of the Campsie Fells. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (76-80). Quaternary Research Association
Bergschrund. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Bergschrund. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. Routledge
Surging glacier. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Surging glacier. In S. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopeida of Geomorphology (1028-1029). Routledge
Classic Landforms of the Loch Lomond Area. (2003)
Evans, D., & Rose, J. (2003). C. Green, M. Naish, & S. Naish (Eds.), Classic Landforms of the Loch Lomond Area. Geographical Association
Drumbeg: zooming in on Unit III (an alternative scenario for deformation phase D2). (2003)
Book Chapter
Hiemstra, J., Evans, D., & Benn, D. (2003). Drumbeg: zooming in on Unit III (an alternative scenario for deformation phase D2). In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (104-110). Quaternary Research Association
Glacial geomorphology of the Western Highland Boundary. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D., Wilson, S., & Rose, J. (2003). Glacial geomorphology of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (5-20). Quaternary Research Association
Ice-marginal terrestrial landsystems: northern Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheet margins. (2003)
Book Chapter
Dyke, A., & Evans, D. (2003). Ice-marginal terrestrial landsystems: northern Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheet margins. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (143-165). Hodder Arnold
The Menteith and Buchlyvie moraines. (2003)
Book Chapter
Wilson, S., & Evans, D. (2003). The Menteith and Buchlyvie moraines. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (150-153). Quaternary Research Association
Ice-stagnation topography. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Ice-stagnation topography. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (556-557). Routledge
Esker. (2003)
Book Chapter
Evans, D. (2003). Esker. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (340-341). Routledge
Palaeo-ice streams: an introduction. (2003)
Journal Article
Clark, C., Evans, D., & Piotrowski, J. (2003). Palaeo-ice streams: an introduction.