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All Outputs (16)

Trap induced broadening in a potential hydrogen lattice clock (2024)
Journal Article
Scott, J. P., Potvliege, R. M., Carty, D., & Jones, M. P. A. (2024). Trap induced broadening in a potential hydrogen lattice clock. Metrologia, 61(2), Article 025001.

We consider the potential use of optical traps for precision measurements in atomic hydrogen (H). Using an implicit summation method, we calculate the atomic polarisability, the rates of elastic/inelastic scattering and the ionisation rate in the wav... Read More about Trap induced broadening in a potential hydrogen lattice clock.

Absolute measurements of state-to-state rotational energy transfer between CO and H2 at interstellar temperatures (2022)
Journal Article
Labiad, H., Fournier, M., Mertens, L. A., Faure, A., Carty, D., Stoecklin, T., Jankowski, P., Szalewicz, K., Le Picard, S. D., & Sims, I. R. (2022). Absolute measurements of state-to-state rotational energy transfer between CO and H2 at interstellar temperatures. Physical Review A, 105(2), Article L020802.

Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations of state-to-state rate coefficients for rotational energy transfer of CO in collision with H2 are reported at the very low temperatures prevailing in dense interstellar clouds (5–20 K). Detailed... Read More about Absolute measurements of state-to-state rotational energy transfer between CO and H2 at interstellar temperatures.

ARBTools: A Tricubic Spline Interpolator for Three-Dimensional Scalar or Vector Fields (2019)
Journal Article
Walker, P., Krohn, U., & Carty, D. (2019). ARBTools: A Tricubic Spline Interpolator for Three-Dimensional Scalar or Vector Fields. Journal of Open Research Software, 7(1), Article 12.

ARBTools is a Python library containing a Lekien-Marsden type tricubic spline method for interpolating three-dimensional scalar or vector fields presented as a set of discrete data points on a regular cuboid grid. ARBTools was developed for simulatio... Read More about ARBTools: A Tricubic Spline Interpolator for Three-Dimensional Scalar or Vector Fields.

Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO and Ar at temperatures from 293 to 30 K (2017)
Journal Article
Mertens, L., Labiad, H., Denis-Alpizar, O., Fournier, M., Carty, D., Le Picard, S. D., …Sims, I. R. (2017). Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO and Ar at temperatures from 293 to 30 K. Chemical Physics Letters, 683, 521-528.

Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations are reported for rotational energy transfer in the Ar-CO system. Experiments were performed in cold uniform supersonic flows of Ar, using an infrared – vacuum ultraviolet double resonance techniq... Read More about Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO and Ar at temperatures from 293 to 30 K.

Magnetic trapping of SH radicals (2017)
Journal Article
Eardley, J., Warner, N., Deng, L., Carty, D., & Wrede, E. (2017). Magnetic trapping of SH radicals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(12), 8423-8427.

Magnetic trapping of SH radicals, produced via the photostop technique, has been demonstrated. H2S in a skimmed, supersonic molecular beam was photodissociated at 212.8 nm to produce SH inside a 330 mK deep static magnetic trap. The molecular-beam sp... Read More about Magnetic trapping of SH radicals.

Magnetic trapping of cold methyl radicals (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, Y., Vashishta, M., Djuricanin, P., Zhou, S., Zhong, W., Mittertreiner, T., …Momose, T. (2017). Magnetic trapping of cold methyl radicals. Physical Review Letters, 118(9), Article 093201.

We have demonstrated that a supersonic beam of methyl radicals (CH3) in the ground rotational state of both para and ortho species has been slowed down to standstill with a magnetic molecular decelerator, and successfully captured spatially in an ant... Read More about Magnetic trapping of cold methyl radicals.

State purified deceleration of SD radicals by a Stark decelerator (2015)
Journal Article
Nourbakhsh, O., Michan, J., Mittertreiner, T., Carty, D., Wrede, E., Djuricanin, P., & Momose, T. (2015). State purified deceleration of SD radicals by a Stark decelerator. Molecular Physics, 113(24), 4007-4018.

Deceleration of supersonic beams of SD radicals by a linear Stark decelerator was demonstrated for the first time. SD radicals produced by an electric discharge of supersonic beams mainly occupied the lowest two rotational states of and in the 2Π3/2... Read More about State purified deceleration of SD radicals by a Stark decelerator.

Absolute density measurement of SD radicals in a supersonic jet at the quantum-noise-limit (2013)
Journal Article
Mizouri, A., Deng, L., Eardley, J., Nahler, N., Wrede, E., & Carty, D. (2013). Absolute density measurement of SD radicals in a supersonic jet at the quantum-noise-limit. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(45), 19575-19579.

The absolute density of SD radicals in a supersonic jet has been measured down to (1.1 ± 0.1) × 105 cm−3 in a modestly specified apparatus that uses a cross-correlated combination of cavity ring-down and laser-induced fluorescence detection. Such a d... Read More about Absolute density measurement of SD radicals in a supersonic jet at the quantum-noise-limit.

Photostop: production of zero-velocity molecules by photodissociation in a molecular beam (2011)
Journal Article
Trottier, A., Carty, D., & Wrede, E. (2011). Photostop: production of zero-velocity molecules by photodissociation in a molecular beam. Molecular Physics, 109(5), 725-733.

Photostop is an accessible technique capable of producing atoms or molecules at a standstill in the laboratory frame. Starting with a NO2/Xe molecular beam with a mean velocity of 415 m s-1 and a longitudinal translational temperature of 6 K, NO2 mol... Read More about Photostop: production of zero-velocity molecules by photodissociation in a molecular beam.

Production of cold bromine atoms at zero mean velocity by photodissociation (2011)
Journal Article
Doherty, W., Bell, M., Softley, T., Rowland, A., Wrede, E., & Carty, D. (2011). Production of cold bromine atoms at zero mean velocity by photodissociation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(18), 8441-8447.

The production of a translationally cold (T < 1 K) sample of bromine atoms with estimated densities of up to 108 cm−3 using photodissociation is presented. A molecular beam of Br2 seeded in Kr is photodissociated into Br + Br* fragments, and the velo... Read More about Production of cold bromine atoms at zero mean velocity by photodissociation.

A molecular synchrotron (2007)
Journal Article
Heiner, C., Carty, D., Meijer, G., & Bethlem, H. (2007). A molecular synchrotron. Nature Physics, 3(2), 115-118.

Many of the tools for manipulating the motion of neutral atoms and molecules take their inspiration from techniques developed for charged particles. Traps for atoms—akin to the Paul trap for ions1—have paved the way for many exciting experiments, ran... Read More about A molecular synchrotron.

Alternating gradient focusing and deceleration of polar molecules (2006)
Journal Article
Bethlem, H., Tarbutt, M., Kupper, J., Carty, D., Wohlfart, K., Hinds, E., & Meijer, G. (2006). Alternating gradient focusing and deceleration of polar molecules. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39(16), R263-R291.

Beams of polar molecules can be focused using an array of electrostatic lenses in alternating gradient (AG) configuration. They can also be accelerated or decelerated by applying an appropriate high-voltage switching sequence to the lenses. AG focusi... Read More about Alternating gradient focusing and deceleration of polar molecules.

Kinetics of the radical-radical reaction, O(triplet P,J + OH(X doublet pi omega) - O2 + H, at temperatures down to 39 K (2006)
Journal Article
Carty, D., Goddard, A., Kohler, S., Sims, I., & Smith, I. (2006). Kinetics of the radical-radical reaction, O(triplet P,J + OH(X doublet pi omega) - O2 + H, at temperatures down to 39 K. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110(9), 3101-3109.

The kinetics of the reaction between O atoms and OH radicals, both in their electronic ground state, have been investigated at temperatures down to ca. 39 K. The experiments employed a CRESU (Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme)... Read More about Kinetics of the radical-radical reaction, O(triplet P,J + OH(X doublet pi omega) - O2 + H, at temperatures down to 39 K.

Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO(X¹Σ⁺, v=2, J=0, 1,4, and 6) and He at temperatures from 294 to 15 K (2004)
Journal Article
Carty, D., Goddard, A., Sims, I., & Smith, I. (2004). Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO(X¹Σ⁺, v=2, J=0, 1,4, and 6) and He at temperatures from 294 to 15 K. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 121(10), 4671-4683.

Infrared-vacuum ultraviolet double resonance experiments have been implemented in the ultracold environment provided by a Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme apparatus. With this technique rate coefficients of two kinds have bee... Read More about Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO(X¹Σ⁺, v=2, J=0, 1,4, and 6) and He at temperatures from 294 to 15 K.

Low temperature rate coefficients for the reactions of CN and C₂H radicals with allene (CH₂=C=CH₂) and methyl acetylene (CH₃C=CH) (2001)
Journal Article
Carty, D., Le Page, V., Sims, I., & Smith, I. (2001). Low temperature rate coefficients for the reactions of CN and C₂H radicals with allene (CH₂=C=CH₂) and methyl acetylene (CH₃C=CH). Chemical Physics Letters, 344(3-4), 310-316.

Using a continuous flow CRESU (Cinetique de Reaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme or Reaction Kinetics in Uniform Supersonic Flow) apparatus, rate coefficients have been measured for the reactions of the cyanogen (CN) and ethynyl (C2H) radical... Read More about Low temperature rate coefficients for the reactions of CN and C₂H radicals with allene (CH₂=C=CH₂) and methyl acetylene (CH₃C=CH).