Drainage evolution in the Polish Sudeten Foreland in the context of European fluvial archives
Journal Article
Krzyszkowski, D., Bridgland, R., Allen, P., Westaway, R., Wachecka-Kotkowska, L., & Czerwonka, J. (2019). Drainage evolution in the Polish Sudeten Foreland in the context of European fluvial archives. Quaternary Research, 91(2), 493-519. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2018.77
Detailed study of subsurface deposits in the Polish Sudeten Foreland, particularly with reference to provenance data, has revealed that an extensive preglacial drainage system developed there in the Pliocene–Early Pleistocene, with both similarities... Read More about Drainage evolution in the Polish Sudeten Foreland in the context of European fluvial archives.