The deglacial history of the southeast sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum.
Journal Article
Roberts, D., Long, A., Schnabel, C., Simpson, M., & Freeman, S. (2008). The deglacial history of the southeast sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(15-16), 1505-1516.
All Outputs (2)
Late Weichselian relative sea-level changes and ice sheet history in southeast Greenland (2008)
Journal Article
Long, A., Roberts, D., Simpson, M., Dawson, S., Milne, G., & Huybrechts, P. (2008). Late Weichselian relative sea-level changes and ice sheet history in southeast Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272(1-2), 8-18. sea-level (RSL) observations from the margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) provide information regarding the timing and rate of deglaciation and constraints on geophysical models of ice sheet evolution. In this paper we present the first... Read More about Late Weichselian relative sea-level changes and ice sheet history in southeast Greenland.