Hybridization in bottlenose dolphins—A case study of Tursiops aduncus × T. truncatus hybrids and successful backcross hybridization events
Journal Article
Gridley, T., Elwen, S., Harris, G., Moore, D., Hoelzel, A., & Lampen, F. (2018). Hybridization in bottlenose dolphins—A case study of Tursiops aduncus × T. truncatus hybrids and successful backcross hybridization events. PLoS ONE, 13(9), Article e0201722. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201722
The bottlenose dolphin, genus Tursiops is one of the best studied of all the Cetacea with a minimum of two species widely recognised. Common bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), are the cetacean species most frequently held in captivity and are known... Read More about Hybridization in bottlenose dolphins—A case study of Tursiops aduncus × T. truncatus hybrids and successful backcross hybridization events.