TMIXT: A process flow for Transcribing MIXed handwritten and machine-printed Text
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Medhat, F., Mohammadi, M., Jaf, S., Willcocks, C., Breckon, T., Matthews, P., McGough, A. S., Theodoropoulos, G., & Obara, B. (2018, December). TMIXT: A process flow for Transcribing MIXed handwritten and machine-printed Text. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Big Data., Seattle, WA, USA
—Text recognition of scanned documents is usually dependent upon the type of text, being handwritten or machine-printed. Accordingly, the recognition involves prior classification of the text category, before deciding on the recognition method to be... Read More about TMIXT: A process flow for Transcribing MIXed handwritten and machine-printed Text.