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All Outputs (7)

Infrared freezing of Euclidean QCD observables (2006)
Journal Article
Brooks, P., & Maxwell, C. (2006). Infrared freezing of Euclidean QCD observables. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 74,

We consider the leading one-chain term in a skeleton expansion for QCD observables and show that for energies Q2>Lambda2, where Q2=Lambda2 is the Landau pole of the coupling, the skeleton expansion result is equivalent to the standard Borel integral... Read More about Infrared freezing of Euclidean QCD observables.

All-orders infrared freezing of observables in perturbative QCD (2004)
Journal Article
Howe, D., & Maxwell, C. (2004). All-orders infrared freezing of observables in perturbative QCD. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 70,

We consider a Borel sum definition of all-orders perturbation theory for Minkowskian QCD observables such as the Re1e2 ratio, and show that both this perturbative component and the additional nonperturbative all-orders operator product expansion ~OPE... Read More about All-orders infrared freezing of observables in perturbative QCD.

Comparison of the Gottfried and Adler sum rules within the large-Nc expansion (2004)
Journal Article
Broadhurst, D., Kataev, A., & Maxwell, C. (2004). Comparison of the Gottfried and Adler sum rules within the large-Nc expansion. Physics Letters B, 590(1-2), 76-85.

The Adler sum rule for deep inelastic neutrino scattering measures the isospin of the nucleon and is hence exact. By contrast, the corresponding Gottfried sum rule for charged lepton scattering was based merely on a valence picture and is modified bo... Read More about Comparison of the Gottfried and Adler sum rules within the large-Nc expansion.

All-orders infrared freezing of Re+e− in perturbative QCD (2002)
Journal Article
Howe, D., & Maxwell, C. (2002). All-orders infrared freezing of Re+e− in perturbative QCD. Physics Letters B, 541(1-2), 129-134.

We consider the behaviour of the perturbative QCD corrections to the Re+e− ratio, in the limit that the c.m. energy vanishes. Writing , with Qf denoting the electric charge of quark flavour f, we find that for Nf<9 flavours of massless quarks, the pe...

Direct extraction of QCD Λ<SUB>MS</SUB> from e⁺e⁻ jet observables (2001)
Journal Article
Burby, S., & Maxwell, C. (2001). Direct extraction of QCD ΛMS from e⁺e⁻ jet observables. Nuclear Physics B, 609(1-2), 193-224.

We directly fit the QCD dimensional transmutation parameter, , to experimental data on e+e− jet observables, making use of next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative calculations. In this procedure there is no need to mention, let alone to arbitrarily... Read More about Direct extraction of QCD Λ<SUB>MS</SUB> from e⁺e⁻ jet observables.

Renormalons and multi-loop estimates in scalar correlators, Higgs decay and quark-mass sum rules (2001)
Journal Article
Broadhurst, D., Kataev, A., & Maxwell, C. (2001). Renormalons and multi-loop estimates in scalar correlators, Higgs decay and quark-mass sum rules. Nuclear Physics B, 592(1-2), 247-293.

The single renormalon-chain contribution to the correlator of scalar currents in QCD is calculated in the -scheme in the limit of a large number of fermions, Nf. At n-loop order we find that in the -scheme the factorial growth of the perturbative coe... Read More about Renormalons and multi-loop estimates in scalar correlators, Higgs decay and quark-mass sum rules.