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Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2025). Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context. World Development, 188, Article 106902.

Access to clean drinking water remains a major challenge in low- and middle-income countries, causing premature death from waterborne diseases, especially in water-insecure settings such as Afghanistan. While technologies and solutions for household-... Read More about Exploring the determinants of household water treatment in Kabul: A COM-B model perspective in a low-income context.

The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., & Greenwell, H. C. (online). The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study. Environment, Development and Sustainability,

Inter-household water transfer is a common practice in water-scarce regions where households may rely on their neighbors or broader community to access water. However, the literature on inter-household water transfers is dominated by the notion of “b... Read More about The nature and determining factors of inter-household water transfers in Kabul, Afghanistan: a qualitative study.

Molecular dynamics of quantitative evaluation of confined fluid behavior in nanopores media and the influencing mechanism: Pore size and pore geometry (2024)
Journal Article
Zhao, R., Xue, H., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., Xu, Y., He, T., & Erastova, V. (2024). Molecular dynamics of quantitative evaluation of confined fluid behavior in nanopores media and the influencing mechanism: Pore size and pore geometry. Physics of Fluids, 36(9), Article 092027.

Understanding the potential mechanisms of reservoir fluid storage, transport, and oil recovery in shale matrices requires an accurate and quantitative evaluation of the fluid behavior and phase state characteristics of the confined fluid in nanopores... Read More about Molecular dynamics of quantitative evaluation of confined fluid behavior in nanopores media and the influencing mechanism: Pore size and pore geometry.

Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia (2024)
Journal Article
Abdullayev, E., Paterson, J. R., Kuszynski, E. P., Hamidi, M. D., Nahar, P., Greenwell, H. C., Neumann, A., & Sharples, G. J. (2024). Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia. Clays and Clay Minerals, 72, Article e9.

One potential solution to the rising threat of antibacterial drug resistance is the application of therapeutic clays to treat wound infections. Clays with antibacterial activity have been identified from a range of sources with their antibacterial pr... Read More about Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of commonly used clays from deposits in central and southern Asia.

Local probing of the nanoscale hydration landscape of kaolinite basal facets in the presence of ions (2024)
Journal Article
Cafolla, C., Bui, T., Bao Le, T. T., Zen, A., Tay, W. J., Striolo, A., Michaelides, A., Greenwell, H. C., & Voïtchovsky, K. (2024). Local probing of the nanoscale hydration landscape of kaolinite basal facets in the presence of ions. Materials Today Physics, 46, Article 101504.

The interface between aqueous solutions and the facets of kaolinite plays an important role in a wide range of technological applications including tribology, paper production, oil recovery, waste water treatment and medical devices. This is made pos... Read More about Local probing of the nanoscale hydration landscape of kaolinite basal facets in the presence of ions.

Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul (2024)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., Vasiljevic, M., Greenwell, H. C., & Stevenson, E. G. J. (2024). Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul. Water Security, 22, Article 100177.

Approximately 50% of the global population currently experiences severe water scarcity, a situation likely to intensify due to climate change. At the same time, the poorest population segments bear the greatest burden of water insecurity. This inters... Read More about Between a rock and a hard place: A geosocial approach to water insecurity in Kabul.

Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores (2024)
Journal Article
Zhao, R., Xue, H., Lu, S., Greenwell, H. C., & Erastova, V. (2024). Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores. Chemical Engineering Journal, 489, Article 151362.

The adsorption interactions of hydrocarbons and clay surfaces are crucial to understanding fluid behaviour within shale reservoirs and to mediating organic pollutants in soils. These interactions are affected by the diversity of complex hydrocarbon c... Read More about Revealing crucial effects of reservoir environment and hydrocarbon fractions on fluid behaviour in kaolinite pores.

Morphological features of halloysite nanotubes as revealed by various microscopies (2023)
Journal Article
Gray-Wannell, N., Cubillas, P., Aslam, Z., Holliman, P. J., Greenwell, H. C., Brydson, R., Delbos, E., Strachan, L.-J., Fuller, M., & Hillier, S. (2023). Morphological features of halloysite nanotubes as revealed by various microscopies. Clay Minerals, 58(4), 395-407.

Nine halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) have been examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and (cross-sectional) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to evaluate details of their external and internal morphologies.... Read More about Morphological features of halloysite nanotubes as revealed by various microscopies.

Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region (2023)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Gröcke, D. R., Kumar Joshi, S., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region. Journal of Hydrology, 626, Article 130187.

There are significant concerns about the sustainability of groundwater, and the inhabitants that depend on it, due to rapid groundwater depletion from the alluvium aquifers in Kabul city. Sustainable groundwater management in Kabul requires an unders... Read More about Investigating groundwater recharge using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in Kabul city, a semi-arid region.

Retention and transport of PFOA and its fluorinated substitute, GenX, through water-saturated soil columns (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, G., Usman, M., Luo, T., Biard, P., Lin, K., Greenwell, H. C., & Hanna, K. (2023). Retention and transport of PFOA and its fluorinated substitute, GenX, through water-saturated soil columns. Environmental Pollution, 337, Article 122530.

Perfluoro-2-propoxypropanoic acid (GenX) has emerged as a substitute for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) especially since PFOA was listed among the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) by the Stockholm Convention in 2019. However, limited knowledge exi... Read More about Retention and transport of PFOA and its fluorinated substitute, GenX, through water-saturated soil columns.

Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data (2023)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Haenssgen, M. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data. Water Research, 244, Article 120521.

More than 2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water. Household water treatment (HWT) is an interim option for reducing the risk of water born disease. Understanding the factors that influence HWT behaviour is crucial for deliverin... Read More about Determinants of household safe drinking water practices in Kabul, Afghanistan: New insights from behavioural survey data.

Swelling of compacted bentonite in organic solvents: Correlation of rate and extent of swelling with solvent properties (2023)
Journal Article
Erdogan, A. R., Whitford, A. C., Underwood, T. R., Sellick, C., Patel, R., Skipper, N. T., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Swelling of compacted bentonite in organic solvents: Correlation of rate and extent of swelling with solvent properties. Applied Clay Science, 241,

The swelling of clay minerals within shale formations during oil and gas exploration, and within compacted bentonite barriers for radioactive waste containment, presents a number of challenges to operators. Whilst much work has been devoted to unders... Read More about Swelling of compacted bentonite in organic solvents: Correlation of rate and extent of swelling with solvent properties.

Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan (2022)
Journal Article
Hamidi, M. D., Kissane, S., Bogush, A. A., Karim, A. Q., Sagintayev, J., Towers, S., & Greenwell, H. C. (2023). Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9(1), Article 20.

The management of groundwater in densely populated areas with no centralized water treatment is critical for the prevention of diseases and maintaining sanitation. Here, we determine the bacteriological and chemical characteristics of groundwater in... Read More about Spatial estimation of groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical investigation, and health impacts of shallow groundwater in Kabul city, Afghanistan.

Far- and mid-infrared examination of nontronite-1 clay mineral – Redox and cation saturation effects (2022)
Journal Article
Apeiranthitis, N., Greenwell, C. H., & Carteret, C. (2022). Far- and mid-infrared examination of nontronite-1 clay mineral – Redox and cation saturation effects. Applied Clay Science, 228, 106628.

Infrared Spectroscopy is a very useful tool studying clay minerals in a structural level as well as interactions on their surfaces. In this study, middle- and far- infrared spectroscopy was utilised to better understand how iron-bearing smectites and... Read More about Far- and mid-infrared examination of nontronite-1 clay mineral – Redox and cation saturation effects.

Effect of Structural Fe Reduction on Water Sorption by Swelling and Non-Swelling Clay Minerals (2022)
Journal Article
Vasilopanagos, C., Carteret, C., Hillier, S., Neumann, A., Brooksbank, H. J., & Greenwell, H. C. (2022). Effect of Structural Fe Reduction on Water Sorption by Swelling and Non-Swelling Clay Minerals. Minerals, 12(4), Article 453.

Ferruginous clay minerals in saturated soils and within hydrocarbon deposits often exist in a reduced state. Upon introduction of dissolved oxygen, or other oxidants, the clay minerals oxidise and changes in mineral surface charge and sorption capaci... Read More about Effect of Structural Fe Reduction on Water Sorption by Swelling and Non-Swelling Clay Minerals.

Heterogeneous ketonic decarboxylation of dodecanoic acid: studying reaction parameters (2021)
Journal Article
Perera-Solis, D. D., Zholobenko, V. L., Whiting, A., & Greenwell, H. C. (2021). Heterogeneous ketonic decarboxylation of dodecanoic acid: studying reaction parameters. RSC Advances, 11(56),

Ketonic decarboxylation has gained significant attention in recent years as a pathway to reduce the oxygen content within biomass-derived oils, and to produce sustainable ketones. The reaction is base catalysed, with MgO an economic, accessible and h... Read More about Heterogeneous ketonic decarboxylation of dodecanoic acid: studying reaction parameters.

Opening the Egg Box: NMR spectroscopic analysis of the interactions between s-block cations and kelp monosaccharides (2021)
Journal Article
Rowbotham, J., Greenwell, C., & Dyer, P. W. (2021). Opening the Egg Box: NMR spectroscopic analysis of the interactions between s-block cations and kelp monosaccharides. Dalton Transactions, 50(38), 13246-13255.

The best-known theory accounting for metal-alginate complexation is the so-called “Egg Box” model. In order to gain greater insight into the metal-saccharide interactions that underpin this model, the coordination chemistry of the corresponding monom... Read More about Opening the Egg Box: NMR spectroscopic analysis of the interactions between s-block cations and kelp monosaccharides.

Atomistic Insight into the Behavior of Ions at an Oil-Bearing Hydrated Calcite Surface: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding (2021)
Journal Article
Badizad, M. H., Koleini, M. M., Greenwell, H. C., Ayatollahi, S., & Ghazanfari, M. H. (2021). Atomistic Insight into the Behavior of Ions at an Oil-Bearing Hydrated Calcite Surface: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding. Energy and Fuels, 35(16), 13039-13054.

This research provides an atomistic picture of the role of ions in modulating the microstructural features of an oil-contaminated calcite surface. This is of crucial importance for the rational design of ion-engineered waterflooding, a promising tech... Read More about Atomistic Insight into the Behavior of Ions at an Oil-Bearing Hydrated Calcite Surface: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding.

DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces (2021)
Journal Article
Degiacomi, M. T., Tian, S., Greenwell, H. C., & Erastova, V. (2021). DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces. Computer Physics Communications, 269, Article 108126.

Molecular dynamics is a simulation technique used to predict the physical properties of systems based on their chemical structure and evolution of their atomic constituents. For these predictions to be reliable, it is critical that the simulation has... Read More about DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces.

A method for automatic shale porosity quantification using an Edge-Threshold Automatic Processing (ETAP) technique (2021)
Journal Article
Tian, S., Bowen, L., Liu, B., Zeng, F., Xue, H., Erastova, V., Greenwell, H. C., Dong, Z., Zhao, R., & Liu, J. (2021). A method for automatic shale porosity quantification using an Edge-Threshold Automatic Processing (ETAP) technique. Fuel, 304, Article 121319.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is one of the most prevalent methods used to image and quantify the pore size distribution of shale rock, critical in understanding unconventional petroleum systems and production. Generally, digital greyscale SEM i... Read More about A method for automatic shale porosity quantification using an Edge-Threshold Automatic Processing (ETAP) technique.