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All Outputs (6)

Skyrmions in models with pions and rho mesons (2018)
Journal Article
Naya, C., & Sutcliffe, P. (2018). Skyrmions in models with pions and rho mesons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(5), Article 174.

A problem with the standard Skyrme model is that Skyrmion binding energies are around 15%, being much larger than the order 1% binding energies of the nuclei that they aim to describe. Here we consider theories that extend the standard Skyrme model o... Read More about Skyrmions in models with pions and rho mesons.

A unified approach to nuclei: The BPS Skyrme Model (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Adam, C., Naya, C., Speight, J., Vazquez, R., Sanchez-Guillen, J., Wereszczynski, A., Aguilar-Benítez, M., Fuster, J., Martí-García, S., & Santamaría, A. (2014, July). A unified approach to nuclei: The BPS Skyrme Model. Presented at 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2014), Valencia, Spain

We present a concrete model of a low energy effective field theory of QCD, the well-known Skyrme Model. Specifically, we will work with the BPS submodel in order to describe the binding energies of nuclei. This BPS Skyrme model is characterized by ha... Read More about A unified approach to nuclei: The BPS Skyrme Model.

Topological phase transitions in the gauged BPS baby Skyrme model (2015)
Journal Article
Adam, C., Naya, C., Romanczukiewicz, T., Sanchez-Guillen, J., & Wereszczynski, A. (2015). Topological phase transitions in the gauged BPS baby Skyrme model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(5), Article 155.

We demonstrate that the gauged BPS baby Skyrme model with a double vacuum potential allows for phase transitions from a non-solitonic to a solitonic phase, where the latter corresponds to a ferromagnetic liquid. Such a transition can be generated by... Read More about Topological phase transitions in the gauged BPS baby Skyrme model.

BPS Skyrmions as neutron stars (2015)
Journal Article
Adam, C., Naya, C., Sanchez-Guillen, J., Vazquez, R., & Wereszczynski, A. (2015). BPS Skyrmions as neutron stars. Physics Letters B, 742, 136-142.

The BPS Skyrme model has been demonstrated already to provide a physically intriguing and quantitatively reliable description of nuclear matter. Indeed, the model has both the symmetries and the energy–momentum tensor of a perfect fluid, and thus rep... Read More about BPS Skyrmions as neutron stars.

Rotational-vibrational coupling in the BPS Skyrme model of baryons (2013)
Journal Article
Adam, C., Naya, C., Sanchez-Guillen, J., & Wereszczynski, A. (2013). Rotational-vibrational coupling in the BPS Skyrme model of baryons. Physics Letters B, 726(4-5), 892-895.

We calculate the rotational-vibrational spectrum in the BPS Skyrme model for the hedgehog skyrmion with baryon number one. The resulting excitation energies for the nucleon and delta Roper resonances are slightly above their experimental values. Toge... Read More about Rotational-vibrational coupling in the BPS Skyrme model of baryons.

Lifshitz field theories with SDiff symmetries (2013)
Journal Article
Adam, C., Naya, C., Sanchez-Guillen, J., & Wereszczynski, A. (2013). Lifshitz field theories with SDiff symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3), Article 012.

We consider Lifshitz field theories with a dynamical critical exponent z equal to the dimension of space d and with a large group of base space symmetries, concretely space coordinate transformations with unit determinant (“Special Diffeomorphisms”).... Read More about Lifshitz field theories with SDiff symmetries.