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Can background cosmology hold the key for modified gravity tests? (2016)
Journal Article
Ceron-Hurtado, J., He, J., & Li, B. (2016). Can background cosmology hold the key for modified gravity tests?. Physical Review D, 94(6), Article 064052.

Modified gravity theories are a popular alternative to dark energy as a possible explanation for the observed accelerating cosmic expansion, and their cosmological tests are currently an active research field. Studies in recent years have been increa... Read More about Can background cosmology hold the key for modified gravity tests?.

Constraining f(R) Gravity Theory Using Weak Lensing Peak Statistics from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey (2016)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Li, B., Zhao, G., Chiu, M., Fang, W., Pan, C., …Fan, Z. (2016). Constraining f(R) Gravity Theory Using Weak Lensing Peak Statistics from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey. Physical Review Letters, 117(5), Article 051101.

In this Letter, we report the observational constraints on the Hu-Sawicki f(R) theory derived from weak lensing peak abundances, which are closely related to the mass function of massive halos. In comparison with studies using optical or x-ray cluste... Read More about Constraining f(R) Gravity Theory Using Weak Lensing Peak Statistics from the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Lensing Survey.

Accurate method of modeling cluster scaling relations in modified gravity (2016)
Journal Article
J.-h, H., & Li, B. (2016). Accurate method of modeling cluster scaling relations in modified gravity. Physical Review D, 93(12), Article 123512.

We propose a new method to model cluster scaling relations in modified gravity. Using a suite of nonradiative hydrodynamical simulations, we show that the scaling relations of accumulated gas quantities, such as the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (Compton... Read More about Accurate method of modeling cluster scaling relations in modified gravity.

RAY-RAMSES: a code for ray tracing on the fly in N-body simulations (2016)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Llinares, C., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2016). RAY-RAMSES: a code for ray tracing on the fly in N-body simulations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(05), Article 001.

We present a ray tracing code to compute integrated cosmological observables on the fly in AMR N-body simulations. Unlike conventional ray tracing techniques, our code takes full advantage of the time and spatial resolution attained by the N-body sim... Read More about RAY-RAMSES: a code for ray tracing on the fly in N-body simulations.

Probing theories of gravity with phase space-inferred potentials of galaxy clusters (2016)
Journal Article
Stark, A., Miller, C., Kern, N., Gifford, D., Zhao, G., Li, B., …Nichol, R. (2016). Probing theories of gravity with phase space-inferred potentials of galaxy clusters. Physical Review D, 93(8), Article 084036.

Modified theories of gravity provide us with a unique opportunity to generate innovative tests of gravity. In Chameleon f(R) gravity, the gravitational potential differs from the weak-field limit of general relativity (GR) in a mass dependent way. We... Read More about Probing theories of gravity with phase space-inferred potentials of galaxy clusters.

The Distribution of Dark and Luminous Matter in the Unique Galaxy Cluster Merger Abell 2146 (2016)
Journal Article
King, L., Clowe, D., Coleman, J., Russell, H., Santana, R., White, J., …McNamara, B. (2016). The Distribution of Dark and Luminous Matter in the Unique Galaxy Cluster Merger Abell 2146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(1), 517-527.

Abell 2146 (z = 0.232) consists of two galaxy clusters undergoing a major merger. The system was discovered in previous work, where two large shock fronts were detected using the Chandra X-ray Observatory, consistent with a merger close to the plane... Read More about The Distribution of Dark and Luminous Matter in the Unique Galaxy Cluster Merger Abell 2146.

Void dynamics (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Padilla, N., Paz, D., Lares, M., Ceccarelli, L., Garcia Lambas, D., Cai, Y., & Li, B. (2015, December). Void dynamics. Presented at The Zeldovich Universe, Tallinn, Estonia

Testing gravity using void profiles (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cai, Y., Padilla, N., & Li, B. (2015, December). Testing gravity using void profiles. Presented at The Zeldovich Universe, Tallinn, Estonia

Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials (2015)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Li, B., Jennings, E., Merten, J., King, L., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(4), 4085-4102.

We determine the concentration–mass relation of 19 X-ray selected galaxy clusters from the Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey with Hubble survey in theories of gravity that directly modify the lensing potential. We model the clusters as Navarro–Fre... Read More about Galaxy cluster lensing masses in modified lensing potentials.

Modified gravity N-body code comparison project (2015)
Journal Article
Winther, H., Schmidt, F., Barreira, A., Arnold, C., Bose, S., Llinares, C., …Zhao, G. (2015). Modified gravity N-body code comparison project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(4), 4208-4234.

Self-consistent N-body simulations of modified gravity models are a key ingredient to obtain rigorous constraints on deviations from general relativity using large-scale structure observations. This paper provides the first detailed comparison of the... Read More about Modified gravity N-body code comparison project.

Cluster gas fraction as a test of gravity (2015)
Journal Article
Li, B., He, J., & Gao, L. (2016). Cluster gas fraction as a test of gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(1), 146-155.

We propose a new cosmological test of gravity, by using the observed mass fraction of X-ray-emitting gas in massive galaxy clusters. The cluster gas fraction, believed to be a fair sample of the average baryon fraction in the Universe, is a well-unde... Read More about Cluster gas fraction as a test of gravity.

Speeding up N-body simulations of modified gravity: Vainshtein screening models (2015)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2015). Speeding up N-body simulations of modified gravity: Vainshtein screening models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(12), Article 059.

We introduce and demonstrate the power of a method to speed up current iterative techniques for N-body modified gravity simulations. Our method is based on the observation that the accuracy of the final result is not compromised if the calculation of... Read More about Speeding up N-body simulations of modified gravity: Vainshtein screening models.

Effective dark matter power spectra in f(R) gravity (2015)
Journal Article
He, J., Li, B., & Hawken, A. (2015). Effective dark matter power spectra in f(R) gravity. Physical Review D, 92(10), Article 103508.

Using N-body simulations, we measure the power spectrum of the effective dark matter density field, which is defined through the modified Poisson equation in f(R) cosmologies. We find that, when compared to the conventional dark matter power spectrum... Read More about Effective dark matter power spectra in f(R) gravity.

The Copernicus Complexio: Statistical Properties of Warm Dark Matter Haloes (2015)
Journal Article
Bose, S., Hellwing, W., Frenk, C., Jenkins, A., Lovell, M., Helly, J., & Li, B. (2016). The Copernicus Complexio: Statistical Properties of Warm Dark Matter Haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(1), 318-333.

The recent detection of a 3.5 keV X-ray line from the centres of galaxies and clusters by Bulbul et al. and Boyarsky et al. has been interpreted as emission from the decay of 7 keV sterile neutrinos which could make up the (warm) dark matter (WDM). A... Read More about The Copernicus Complexio: Statistical Properties of Warm Dark Matter Haloes.

Rapid simulation rescaling from standard to modified gravity models (2015)
Journal Article
Mead, A., Peacock, J., Lombriser, L., & Li, B. (2015). Rapid simulation rescaling from standard to modified gravity models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(4), 4203-4221.

We develop and test an algorithm to rescale a simulated dark-matter particle distribution or halo catalogue from a standard gravity model to that of a modified gravity model. This method is based on that of Angulo & White but with some additional ing... Read More about Rapid simulation rescaling from standard to modified gravity models.

Exploring the liminality: properties of haloes and subhaloes in borderline f(R) gravity (2015)
Journal Article
Shi, D., Li, B., Han, J., Gao, L., & Hellwing, W. (2015). Exploring the liminality: properties of haloes and subhaloes in borderline f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(3), 3179-3191.

We investigate the properties of dark matter haloes and subhaloes in an f(R) gravity model with |fR0| = 10−6, using a very-high-resolution N-body simulation. The model is a borderline between being cosmologically interesting and yet still consistent... Read More about Exploring the liminality: properties of haloes and subhaloes in borderline f(R) gravity.

Distinguishing GR and f(R) gravity with the gravitational lensing Minkowski functionals (2015)
Journal Article
Ling, C., Wang, Q., Li, R., Li, B., Wang, J., & Gao, L. (2015). Distinguishing GR and f(R) gravity with the gravitational lensing Minkowski functionals. Physical Review D, 92(6), Article 064024.

We explore the Minkowski functionals (MFs) of weak lensing convergence map to distinguish between f(R) gravity and the general relativity (GR). The mock weak lensing convergence maps are constructed with a set of high-resolution simulations assuming... Read More about Distinguishing GR and f(R) gravity with the gravitational lensing Minkowski functionals.

Using cosmic voids to distinguish f(R) gravity in future galaxy surveys (2015)
Journal Article
Zivick, P., Sutter, P., Wandelt, B., Li, B., & Lam, T. (2015). Using cosmic voids to distinguish f(R) gravity in future galaxy surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451(4), 4215-4222.

We use properties of void populations identified in N-body simulations to forecast the ability of upcoming galaxy surveys to differentiate models of f (R) gravity from cold dark matter cosmology. We analyse multiple simulation realizations, which wer... Read More about Using cosmic voids to distinguish f(R) gravity in future galaxy surveys.

Effective dark matter halo catalog in f(R) gravity (2015)
Journal Article
He, J., Hawken, A., Li, B., & Guzzo, L. (2015). Effective dark matter halo catalog in f(R) gravity. Physical Review Letters, 115(7),

We introduce the idea of an effective dark matter halo catalog in f(R) gravity, which is built using the effective density field. Using a suite of high resolution N-body simulations, we find that the dynamical properties of halos, such as the distrib... Read More about Effective dark matter halo catalog in f(R) gravity.

Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials (2015)
Journal Article
Barreira, A., Cautun, M., Li, B., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(08),

We study lensing by voids in Cubic Galileon and Nonlocal gravity cosmologies, which are examples of theories of gravity that modify the lensing potential. We find voids in the dark matter and halo density fields of N-body simulations and compute thei... Read More about Weak lensing by voids in modified lensing potentials.