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Hippocampal lesions disrupt navigation based on the shape of the environment (2004)
Journal Article
McGregor, A., Hayward, A., Pearce, J., & Good, M. (2004). Hippocampal lesions disrupt navigation based on the shape of the environment. Behavioral Neuroscience, 118(5), 1011-1021.

Geometric information provided by the walls of an environment has a strong influence over hippocampal unit activity. This suggests that the hippocampus forms part of a cognitive mapping system that encodes geometric relationships between environmenta... Read More about Hippocampal lesions disrupt navigation based on the shape of the environment.

Transfer of spatial behavior between different environments: Implications for theories of spatial learning and for the role of the hippocampus in spatial learning (2004)
Journal Article
Pearce, J., Good, M., Jones, P., & McGregor, A. (2004). Transfer of spatial behavior between different environments: Implications for theories of spatial learning and for the role of the hippocampus in spatial learning. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes, 30(2), 135-147.

In 3 experiments, rats were required to find a submerged platform located in 1 corner of an arena that had 2 long and 2 short sides; they were then trained to find the platform in a new arena that also had 2 long and 2 short sides but a different ove... Read More about Transfer of spatial behavior between different environments: Implications for theories of spatial learning and for the role of the hippocampus in spatial learning.