River connectivity restoration for upstream‐migrating European river lamprey: The efficacy of two horizontally‐mounted studded tile designs
Journal Article
Lothian, A. J., Tummers, J. S., Albright, A. J., O'Brien, P., & Lucas, M. C. (2020). River connectivity restoration for upstream‐migrating European river lamprey: The efficacy of two horizontally‐mounted studded tile designs. River Research and Applications, 36(10), 2013-2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.3734
Many rivers are heavily fragmented, resulting from anthropogenic cross‐channel structures. Cost‐effective solutions are needed to restore habitat connectivity for migratory fishes, including those of conservation concern, such as the European river l... Read More about River connectivity restoration for upstream‐migrating European river lamprey: The efficacy of two horizontally‐mounted studded tile designs.