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All Outputs (60)

Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions (2016)
Journal Article
Brown, T., Todd, A., O'Malley, C., Moore, H., Husband, A., Bambra, C., …Summerbell, C. (2016). Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions. Public Health Research, 4(2), 1-162.

Background: The Department of Health has identified interventions to manage alcohol misuse, smoking and overweight, delivered by community pharmacists, as public health priorities. Objectives: To systematically review the effectiveness of community p... Read More about Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions.

Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation (2016)
Journal Article
Brown, T., Todd, A., O’Malley, C., Moore, H., Husband, A., Bambra, C., …Summerbell, C. (2016). Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation. BMJ Open, 6(2), Article e009828.

Objectives: To systematically review the effectiveness of community pharmacy-delivered interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management. Design: Systematic review and meta-analyses. 10 electronic databases were searched fr... Read More about Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation.

‘I don’t think I’d be frightened if the statins went’: a phenomenological qualitative study exploring medicines use in palliative care patients, carers and healthcare professionals (2016)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Holmes, H., Pearson, S., Hughes, C., Andrew, I., Baker, L., & Husband, A. (2016). ‘I don’t think I’d be frightened if the statins went’: a phenomenological qualitative study exploring medicines use in palliative care patients, carers and healthcare professionals. BMC Palliative Care, 15(1), Article 13.

Background: There is a growing body of evidence suggesting patients with life-limiting illness use medicines inappropriately and unnecessarily. In this context, the perspective of patients, their carers and the healthcare professionals responsible fo... Read More about ‘I don’t think I’d be frightened if the statins went’: a phenomenological qualitative study exploring medicines use in palliative care patients, carers and healthcare professionals.

Inappropriate prescribing of preventative medication in patients with life-limiting illness: a systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Husband, A., Andrew, I., Pearson, S., Lindsey, L., & Holmes, H. (2017). Inappropriate prescribing of preventative medication in patients with life-limiting illness: a systematic review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 7(2), 113-121.

Objectives To systematically review the literature to examine the methods used to identify inappropriate prescribing of preventative medication in patients with life-limiting illness and to detail the nature of medications prescribed. Methods A syste... Read More about Inappropriate prescribing of preventative medication in patients with life-limiting illness: a systematic review.

Person-centred pharmaceutical care reduces emergency readmissions (2015)
Journal Article
Blagburn, J., Kelly-Fatemi, B., Akhter, N., & Husband, A. (2016). Person-centred pharmaceutical care reduces emergency readmissions. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 23(2), 80-85.

Background Unplanned readmissions to hospital are used in many healthcare systems as a quality indicator of care. Identifying patients at risk of readmission is difficult; existing prediction tools are only moderately sensitive. Correlations exist be... Read More about Person-centred pharmaceutical care reduces emergency readmissions.

Promoting the early detection of cancer: A systematic review of community pharmacy-based education and screening interventions (2015)
Journal Article
Lindsey, L., Husband, A., Nazar, H., & Todd, A. (2015). Promoting the early detection of cancer: A systematic review of community pharmacy-based education and screening interventions. Cancer Epidemiology, 39(5), 673-681.

Background: Given that the burden of cancer is set to increase globally, strategies are needed to improve the early detection of cancer. As such, increasing focus is now placed on promoting the early detection of cancer through education and screenin... Read More about Promoting the early detection of cancer: A systematic review of community pharmacy-based education and screening interventions.

The use of antimetabolites in the treatment of breast cancer (2015)
Book Chapter
Todd, A., & Husband, A. (2015). The use of antimetabolites in the treatment of breast cancer. In S. Francis, F. Smith, J. Malkinson, A. Constanti, & K. Taylor (Eds.), Integrated pharmacy : case studies (278-281). Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Treating a Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (2015)
Book Chapter
Todd, A., & Husband, A. (2015). Treating a Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. In S. Francis, F. Smith, J. Malkinson, A. Constanti, & K. Taylor (Eds.), Integrated pharmacy : case studies (396-398). Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Access all areas? An area-level analysis of accessibility to general practice and community pharmacy services in England by urbanity and social deprivation (2015)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Copeland, A., Husband, A., Kasim, A., & Bambra, C. (2015). Access all areas? An area-level analysis of accessibility to general practice and community pharmacy services in England by urbanity and social deprivation. BMJ Open, 5(5), Article e007328.

Objectives (1) To determine the percentage of the population in England that has access to a general practitioner (GP) premises within a 20 min walk (the accessibility); (2) explore the relationship between the walking distance to a GP premises and u... Read More about Access all areas? An area-level analysis of accessibility to general practice and community pharmacy services in England by urbanity and social deprivation.

Teaching safe prescribing to medical students: Perspectives in the UK (2015)
Journal Article
Nazar, H., Nazar, M., Rothwell, C., Portlock, J., Chaytor, A., & Husband, A. (2015). Teaching safe prescribing to medical students: Perspectives in the UK. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 6, 279-295.

Prescribing is a characteristic role of a medical practitioner. On graduating from medical school, students are presumed to have acquired the necessary pharmacology knowledge underpinning the therapeutics and developed their personal skills and behav... Read More about Teaching safe prescribing to medical students: Perspectives in the UK.

A Narrative Review of Medication-Related Clinical Decision Support (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brown, C., Slight, S., Husband, A., Watson, N., & Bates, D. (2015, April). A Narrative Review of Medication-Related Clinical Decision Support. Presented at Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) 38th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada

Objectives: A key element of the implementation and on-going use of an electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) system is ensuring that users are, and remain, sufficiently trained to use the system. Studies have suggested that insufficient training is a... Read More about A Narrative Review of Medication-Related Clinical Decision Support.

Widening the scope for early cancer detection: identification of alarm symptoms by community pharmacies (2015)
Journal Article
Badenhorst, J., Todd, A., Lindsey, L., Ling, J., & Husband, A. (2015). Widening the scope for early cancer detection: identification of alarm symptoms by community pharmacies. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 37(3), 465-470.

Background Cancers are one of the leading causes of death in the world and, due to the aging population, incidence rates are set to rise. As such, considerable effort has been placed on initiatives that aid the early detection of cancer, as this may... Read More about Widening the scope for early cancer detection: identification of alarm symptoms by community pharmacies.

Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions (2014)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Moore, H., Husband, A., Bambra, C., Kasim, A., Sniehotta, F., …Summerbell, C. (2014). Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions. Systematic Reviews, 3,

Background: Community pharmacists can deliver health care advice at an opportunistic level, related to prescription or non-prescription medicines and as part of focused services designed to reduce specific risks to health. Obesity, smoking and excess... Read More about Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions.

The positive pharmacy care law: an area-level analysis of the relationship between community pharmacy distribution, urbanity and social deprivation in England (2014)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Copeland, A., Husband, A., Kasim, A., & Bambra, C. (2014). The positive pharmacy care law: an area-level analysis of the relationship between community pharmacy distribution, urbanity and social deprivation in England. BMJ Open, 4(8), Article e005764.

Objectives: To: (1) determine the percentage of the population in England that have access to a community pharmacy within 20 min walk; (2) explore any relationship between the walking distance and urbanity; (3) explore any relationship between the wa... Read More about The positive pharmacy care law: an area-level analysis of the relationship between community pharmacy distribution, urbanity and social deprivation in England.

Patients using antifungals following laryngectomy : a qualitative study of community pharmacists in the North of England (2014)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Husband, A., Hurren, A., Kler, S., & Ling, J. (2014). Patients using antifungals following laryngectomy : a qualitative study of community pharmacists in the North of England. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 22(3), 193-199.

Objective: To explore community pharmacists’ understanding and opinions in relation to prevention of fungal colonisation of voice prostheses amongst laryngectomy patients. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted on a purposive sample of 12... Read More about Patients using antifungals following laryngectomy : a qualitative study of community pharmacists in the North of England.

A palliative care (PC) hospice placement: students' qualitative evaluation of experience-based learning (2013)
Journal Article
Andrew, I., Todd, A., Husband, A., & Nazar, H. (2013). A palliative care (PC) hospice placement: students' qualitative evaluation of experience-based learning. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 21(S2),

The End of Life Care Strategy published by the Department of Health in 2008, describes the role healthcare and non-healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, can play in the delivery of care to people at the end of life. The minimum level of sk... Read More about A palliative care (PC) hospice placement: students' qualitative evaluation of experience-based learning.

Prescribing of inappropriate medicine in patients with limited life expectancy : a prospective study in a specialist palliative care unit (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todd, A., Nazar, H., Andrew, I., Baker, L., & Husband, A. (2013, May). Prescribing of inappropriate medicine in patients with limited life expectancy : a prospective study in a specialist palliative care unit. Presented at GHP/UKCPA 9th Joint National Conference 2013, Harrogate, Harrogate, UK

For patients with limited life expectancy – typically surviving for less than one year – polypharmacy is very common because medication is prescribed to manage acute symptoms associated with the life limiting illness (e.g. cancer) and to treat or pre... Read More about Prescribing of inappropriate medicine in patients with limited life expectancy : a prospective study in a specialist palliative care unit.