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All Outputs (15)

Developing student-led research: Customer, consumer, colleague, collaborator (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tan, E., Loughlin, E., & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2023, August). Developing student-led research: Customer, consumer, colleague, collaborator. Paper presented at The 17th Biennial EARLI Conference., Tampere, Finland

Three case studies, three years and three differing student-led methodologies. The common factor across all three case studies is that they are informed by student engagement and have a student-led focus. Research carried out by a team comprising of... Read More about Developing student-led research: Customer, consumer, colleague, collaborator.

Exploring synchronous, remote collaborative interaction between learners using multi-touch tables and video conferencing in UK primary schools (2019)
Journal Article
Beauchamp, G., Joyce-Gibbons, A., McNaughton, J., Young, N., & Crick, T. (2019). Exploring synchronous, remote collaborative interaction between learners using multi-touch tables and video conferencing in UK primary schools. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3214-3232.

This study explores remote, non‐collocated collaboration via multi‐touch table (SynergyNet) and video conferencing software (Skype). Twenty‐four participants (aged 10‐11 years) in two locations—primary school classrooms located 300 miles apart in the... Read More about Exploring synchronous, remote collaborative interaction between learners using multi-touch tables and video conferencing in UK primary schools.

Closing the attainment gap: Collaboration between schools in Sierra Leone (2018)
Journal Article
Mason, M., Galloway, D., & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2018). Closing the attainment gap: Collaboration between schools in Sierra Leone. Educational and Child Psychology, 35(1), 27-39

Background: UK government policy views collaboration with outstanding schools as a way of helping apparently less successful schools to close the attainment gap. However, there has been little debate about criteria for defning a school's success or f... Read More about Closing the attainment gap: Collaboration between schools in Sierra Leone.

Successful transition to secondary school in Tanzania: What are the barriers? (2017)
Journal Article
Joyce-Gibbons, A., Galloway, D., Mollel, A., Mgoma, S., Pima, M., & Deogratias, E. (2018). Successful transition to secondary school in Tanzania: What are the barriers?. Journal of International Development, 30(7), 1142-1165.

Transition to secondary school is a problem internationally. Tanzanian students face an additional challenge as the medium of instruction changes from Kiswahili to English. An 18-item questionnaire (N = 383) and focus groups (primary standard 7, seco... Read More about Successful transition to secondary school in Tanzania: What are the barriers?.

SynergyNet into schools: Facilitating Remote Inter-Group Collaborative Learning Using Multi-touch Tables (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Joyce-Gibbons, A., McNaughton, J., Tan, E., Young, N., Beauchamp, G., & Crick, T. (2017, June). SynergyNet into schools: Facilitating Remote Inter-Group Collaborative Learning Using Multi-touch Tables. Paper presented at CSCL 2017: 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: Making a Difference—Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Facilitating Collaborative Learning Between Two Primary Schools Using Large Multi-Touch Devices (2017)
Journal Article
McNaughton, J., Crick, T., Joyce-Gibbons, A., Beauchamp, G., Young, N., & Tan, E. (2017). Facilitating Collaborative Learning Between Two Primary Schools Using Large Multi-Touch Devices. Journal of Computers in Education, 4, 307–320.

This paper presents a technical case study and the associated research software/hardware underpinning an educational research trial in which large touchscreen interfaces were used to facilitate collaborative interactions between primary school studen... Read More about Facilitating Collaborative Learning Between Two Primary Schools Using Large Multi-Touch Devices.

Mobile phone use in two secondary schools in Tanzania (2017)
Journal Article
Joyce-Gibbons, A., Galloway, D., Mollel, A., Mgoma, S., Pima, M., & Deogratias, E. (2018). Mobile phone use in two secondary schools in Tanzania. Education and Information Technologies, 23(1), 73-92.

Mobile phone technology in Tanzania has grown rapidly but there is insufficient data on its application in schools. This paper aims to show how students in the first and third year (F1 and F3) teachers in two rural secondary schools perceived its use... Read More about Mobile phone use in two secondary schools in Tanzania.

Observe, interact and act: teachers’ initiation of mini-plenaries to scaffold small-group collaboration (2016)
Journal Article
Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2017). Observe, interact and act: teachers’ initiation of mini-plenaries to scaffold small-group collaboration. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(1), 51-68.

Mini-plenaries, the shift in discussion from group to class and then back to group during the course of a small-group collaborative activity, have long been part of the repertoire of teachers. Despite this, they are not considered in detail in the re... Read More about Observe, interact and act: teachers’ initiation of mini-plenaries to scaffold small-group collaboration.

Researching and Designing for the Orchestration of Learning in the CSCL Classroom (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mercier, E., Fong, C., Cober, R., Slotta, J., Forssell, K., Isreal, M., Joyce-Gibbons, A., Rummel, N., Lindwall, O., Häkkinen, P., Koschman, T., Tchounikine, P., & Ludvigsen, S. (2015, December). Researching and Designing for the Orchestration of Learning in the CSCL Classroom. Presented at Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden

Designing tools for teachers to orchestrate computer supported collaborative learning activities in their classrooms requires that attention be paid to the range of roles and activities a teacher must take throughout the process. Drawing on the Imple... Read More about Researching and Designing for the Orchestration of Learning in the CSCL Classroom.

The effects of room design on computer-supported collaborative learning in a multi-touch classroom (2014)
Journal Article
Mercier, E. M., Higgins, S. E., & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2016). The effects of room design on computer-supported collaborative learning in a multi-touch classroom. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(3), 504-522.

While research indicates that technology can be useful for supporting learning and collaboration, there is still relatively little uptake or widespread implementation of these technologies in classrooms. In this paper, we explore one aspect of the de... Read More about The effects of room design on computer-supported collaborative learning in a multi-touch classroom.

Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning (2012)
Journal Article
Higgins, S., Mercier, E., Burd, E., & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2012). Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(6), 1041-1054.

Steve Higgins is a professor of Education at Durham University. His main research interests are in the pedagogy of educational technology in schools and the use of evidence in education. Dr Emma Mercier is a research associate in the School of Educat... Read More about Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning.