Classics, Love, Revolution: The Legacies of Luigi Settembrini
Capra, A., & Graziosi, B. (2024). Classics, Love, Revolution: The Legacies of Luigi Settembrini. Oxford University Press.
All Outputs (46)
Intervisuality: New Approaches on Greek Literature (2023)
Capra, A., & Floridi, L. (Eds.). (2023). Intervisuality: New Approaches on Greek Literature. De Gruyter.
Hipponax’s Iambic Persona and the Protean Art of Begging (2023)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (in press). Hipponax’s Iambic Persona and the Protean Art of Begging. In V. Cazzato, & E. E. Prodi (Eds.), Hipponax the Poet. Cambridge University Press
The Staging and Meaning of Aristophanes' Assemblywomen (2023)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2023). The Staging and Meaning of Aristophanes' Assemblywomen. Harvard studies in classical philology, 112,
P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309 c. XV 12 = Posidipp. 99,2 A.–B / (2022)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2022). P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309 c. XV 12 = Posidipp. 99,2 A.–B /. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 221, 34-35
Imitatio Socratis from the Theatre of Dionysus to Plato’s Academy (2021)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2021). Imitatio Socratis from the Theatre of Dionysus to Plato’s Academy. In J. Pfefferkorn, & A. Spinelli (Eds.), Platonic Mimesis Revisited (63-80). Academia Verlag
L'ira di Achille: un viaggio interculturale (2020)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2020). L'ira di Achille: un viaggio interculturale. In L. Neri (Ed.), Forme di una passione. La rappresentazione dell’ira tra letteratura, teatro e filosofia (19-44). Carocci
Eros from Plato to Comedy. The Lysis and the Early Reception of Plato's Openings (2020)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2020). Eros from Plato to Comedy. The Lysis and the Early Reception of Plato's Openings. In E. Kaklamanou, M. Pavlou, & A. Tsakmakis (Eds.), Framing the Dialogues. How to Read Openings and Closures in Plato (140-153). Brill Academic Publishers
Aristofane e la Chimera? Acarnesi 703-712 (2020)
Journal Article
Capra, A., & Cavalli, M. (2020). Aristofane e la Chimera? Acarnesi 703-712. Annali della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, 72, 33-43
Homer, Evenus and the ‘Discovery' of Litotes (2020)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2020). Homer, Evenus and the ‘Discovery' of Litotes
Philoxenia. Viaggi e viaggiatori nella Grecia di ieri e di oggi (2020)
Capra, A., Martinelli Tempesta, S., & Nobili, C. (Eds.). (2020). Philoxenia. Viaggi e viaggiatori nella Grecia di ieri e di oggi. Mimesis
Poetry and Biology: the Anatomy of Tragedy (2020)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2020). Poetry and Biology: the Anatomy of Tragedy. In P. Destrée, M. Heath, & D. Munteanu (Eds.), The poetics in Its Aristotelian context (183-205). RoutledgeAristotle is usually fond of pointing to other works of his, thus creating a rich network of cross-references that help situate a given work within his “encyclopedia.” Apart from the five references in the Rhetoric, Aristotle cites the Poetics only a... Read More about Poetry and Biology: the Anatomy of Tragedy.
‘Total Reception’: Stesichorus as Revenant in Plato’s Phaedrus (with a New Stesichorean Fragment?) (2019)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2019). ‘Total Reception’: Stesichorus as Revenant in Plato’s Phaedrus (with a New Stesichorean Fragment?). In B. Currie, & I. Rutherford (Eds.), The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext (239-256). Brill Academic Publishers.
The Gift of Logos. The Life of Aesop and Socrates’ Poetic Initiation (2019)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (in press). The Gift of Logos. The Life of Aesop and Socrates’ Poetic Initiation. Giornale italiano di filologia, 71, 89-113
Lyric Oblivion: When Sappho Taught Socrates how to Forget (2019)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2019). Lyric Oblivion: When Sappho Taught Socrates how to Forget. In P. Ceccarelli, & L. Castagnoli (Eds.), Greek memories : theories and practices (179-194). Cambridge University Press
Platone, Teeteto (2018)
Capra, A., & Trabattoni, F. (2018). Platone, Teeteto
Platon et la comédie: une apologie fantastique pour la poésie? (2018)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2018). Platon et la comédie: une apologie fantastique pour la poésie?. In E. Pastré, & R. Saetta Cottone (Eds.), Usages philosophiques des poètes: Huit études sur les dialogues platoniciens (111-127). A.D.R.A
Father and Son: Apollo, Asclepius and the Socratic Birth of the Platonic Dialogue (2018)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2018). Father and Son: Apollo, Asclepius and the Socratic Birth of the Platonic Dialogue. In G. Cornelli, T. Robinson, & F. Bravo (Eds.), Plato's Phaedo : selected Papers from the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum (321-324). Academia Verlag
The City and the Stage. Performance, Genre, and Gender in Plato’s Laws (2018)
Journal Article
Capra, A. (2018). The City and the Stage. Performance, Genre, and Gender in Plato’s Laws. Greek and Roman Musical Studies, 6, 239-241
A 19th-Century 'Milesian Tale': Settembrini’s Neoplatonici (2018)
Book Chapter
Capra, A. (2018). A 19th-Century 'Milesian Tale': Settembrini’s Neoplatonici. In E. Cueva, S. Harrison, H. Mason, W. Owens, & S. Schwartz (Eds.), Re-Wiring the Ancient Novel. Volume 1: The Greek Novel. Barkhuis