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All Outputs (5)

Reconfiguração na cidade: Arte e ocupação no Hotel Cambridge em São Paulo (2018)
Journal Article
Flynn, A. (2018). Reconfiguração na cidade: Arte e ocupação no Hotel Cambridge em São Paulo. Plural (São Paulo. Online), 25(1), 20-45.

Neste artigo, exponho como os praticantes da arte contemporânea incorporam desobediência epistêmica e o conceito de ocupação para proporem uma reconfiguração da cidade. Primeiro, argumento que há cada vez mais reflexão sobre a ressignificação do espa... Read More about Reconfiguração na cidade: Arte e ocupação no Hotel Cambridge em São Paulo.

Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics (2016)
Journal Article
Flynn, A. (2016). Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, 5(1), 59-77.

In this article I analyse the notion that social movement politics and contemporary art interventions increasingly traverse a porous boundary, be it in terms of practices, relations, or institutions. Premised on Nicolas Bourriaud’s seminal reading of... Read More about Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics.

Anthropological theory and engagement: A zero-sum game? (Respond to this article at (2015)
Journal Article
Martin, K., & Flynn, A. (2015). Anthropological theory and engagement: A zero-sum game? (Respond to this article at Anthropology Today, 31(1), 12-14.

Engagement with pressing social and political issues is often presented as a threat to the elaboration of sophisticated anthropological theory that needs to be protected from such concerns in order to flourish. However the history of anthropological... Read More about Anthropological theory and engagement: A zero-sum game? (Respond to this article at

Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance (2014)
Flynn, A., & Tinius, J. (Eds.). (2015). Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance. Palgrave Macmillan.

The contributors explore diverse contexts of performance to discuss peoples' own reflections on political subjectivities, governance and development. The volume refocuses anthropological engagement with ethics, aesthetics, and politics to examine the... Read More about Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance.

Transformation and ‘human values’ in the Landless Workers’ Movement of Brazil (2013)
Journal Article
Flynn, A. (2015). Transformation and ‘human values’ in the Landless Workers’ Movement of Brazil. Ethnos, 80(1), 45-70.

Social movements often seek transformation in wider society, but they are also themselves subject to the fluidity and ephemerality of the environments in which they operate. Academic literature has long held the view that social movements inevitably... Read More about Transformation and ‘human values’ in the Landless Workers’ Movement of Brazil.