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Osmium isotopic constraints on sulphide formation in the epithermal environment of magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits (2021)
Journal Article
Saintilan, N. J., Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Rottier, B., Casanova, V., Creaser, R. A., Kouzmanov, K., Fontboté, L., Piecha, M., Gereke, M., & Zambito, J. J. (2021). Osmium isotopic constraints on sulphide formation in the epithermal environment of magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits. Chemical Geology, 564, Article 120053.

In the magmatic-hydrothermal environment, fluids with similar metal concentrations and sources may yield contrasting mineral assemblages in successive stages of sulphide mineralization. These differences are linked to the physico-chemical conditions... Read More about Osmium isotopic constraints on sulphide formation in the epithermal environment of magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits.

Anthropogenic Osmium in Macroalgae from Tokyo Bay Reveals Widespread Contamination from Municipal Solid Waste (2020)
Journal Article
Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Suzuki, K., Oda, T., & Kuroda, J. (2020). Anthropogenic Osmium in Macroalgae from Tokyo Bay Reveals Widespread Contamination from Municipal Solid Waste. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(15), 9356-9365.

Human activity is influencing the global osmium cycle, driving the Os isotopic composition (187Os/188Os) of the hydrosphere and associated sedimentary material to lower values. Here, we present the Re and Os abundance and isotope systematics of macro... Read More about Anthropogenic Osmium in Macroalgae from Tokyo Bay Reveals Widespread Contamination from Municipal Solid Waste.

Tracing the impact of coastal water geochemistry on the Re-Os systematics of macroalgae: Insights from the basaltic terrain of Iceland (2018)
Journal Article
Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Gannoun, A., Burton, K. W., Dellinger, M., & Lloyd, J. M. (2018). Tracing the impact of coastal water geochemistry on the Re-Os systematics of macroalgae: Insights from the basaltic terrain of Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(9), 2791-2806.

This study presents rhenium (Re) and osmium (Os) elemental and isotope data for macroalgae, dissolved load and bed load from Icelandic coastal and/or river waters, an environment adjacent to predominantly basaltic terrains, ranging in age from histor... Read More about Tracing the impact of coastal water geochemistry on the Re-Os systematics of macroalgae: Insights from the basaltic terrain of Iceland.