Hospital Performance: Wasafuli al-Sabr [Eng. Title: I am Waiting For You]. Directed by Lina Abyad. 1 December.
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. (2018). Hospital Performance: Wasafuli al-Sabr [Eng. Title: I am Waiting For You]. Directed by Lina Abyad. 1 December. [[Media unknown]]. Performed at Nabih Berri Government University Hospital, South Lebanon. (Unpublished)
All Outputs (8)
The Silicone Bomb. Directed by Lina Abyad
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. (2009). The Silicone Bomb. Directed by Lina Abyad. [Theater performance]. Performed at The Lebanese American University of Beirut, Gulbenkian Theatre. Further performances at the Hamana Festival in Lebanon; the 12th International Theatre Festival at the Lebanese American University; and Madina Theater in Beirut. (Unpublished)
Hair Talk. Performance Piece . Directed by Lina Abyad.
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. (2020). Hair Talk. Performance Piece . Directed by Lina Abyad. [[Media unknown]]. Performed at Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute - AUBMC. Beirut, Lebanon. (Unpublished)
Hospital Performance: Wasafuli al-Sabr (Eng. Title: I am Waiting for You). Directed by Lina Abyad. 8 August.
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. Hospital Performance: Wasafuli al-Sabr (Eng. Title: I am Waiting for You). Directed by Lina Abyad. 8 August. [[Media unknown]]. Performed at Lebanese American University Medical Centre-Rizk Hospital, Beirut. (Unpublished)
Hospital Performance: Wasafuli al-Sabr [Eng. Title: I am Waiting For You]. Directed by Lina Abyad. 8 February.
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. Hospital Performance: Wasafuli al-Sabr [Eng. Title: I am Waiting For You]. Directed by Lina Abyad. 8 February. [[Media unknown]]. Performed at Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute -AUBMC, Beirut, Lebanon. (Unpublished)
Lecture Performance: I Want to Tell You Something.
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. Lecture Performance: I Want to Tell You Something. [Lecture Performance]. Performed at 15th EACLALS TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE 2014, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck. (Unpublished)
Wasafuli al-Sabr (Eng. title: I am Waiting for You). Directed by Lina Abyad. 19 July - 29 July.
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. Wasafuli al-Sabr (Eng. title: I am Waiting for You). Directed by Lina Abyad. 19 July - 29 July. [[Media unknown]]. Performed at Madina Theater, Beirut. (Unpublished)
The Silicone Bomb. Directed by Lina Abyad
Exhibition / Performance
Hamdar, A. (2010). The Silicone Bomb. Directed by Lina Abyad. [Theater performance]. Performed at 7th Creative Independent Forum in Alexandria; and the Amman International Theatre Festival AITF in Jordan. (Unpublished)