Achieving high quality colonoscopy: Using graphical representation to measure performance and reset standards
Journal Article
Rajasekhar, P., Rutter, M., Bramble, M., Wilson, D., East, J., Greenaway, J., …Rees, C. (2012). Achieving high quality colonoscopy: Using graphical representation to measure performance and reset standards. Colorectal Disease, 14(11), 1538-1545.
Aim: Completeness and thoroughness of colonoscopy are measured by the caecal intubation rate (CIR) and the adenoma detection rate (ADR). National standards are ≥ 90% and ≥ 10% respectively. Variability in CIR, ADR have been demonstrated but comparis... Read More about Achieving high quality colonoscopy: Using graphical representation to measure performance and reset standards.