The Arabidopsis microtubule-associated protein AtMAP65-1: Molecular analysis of its microtubule bundling activity
Journal Article
Smertenko, A., Chang, H., Wagner, V., Kaloriti, D., Fenyk, S., Sonobe, S., …Hussey, P. (2004). The Arabidopsis microtubule-associated protein AtMAP65-1: Molecular analysis of its microtubule bundling activity. The Plant Cell, 16(8), 2035-2047.
The 65-kD microtubule-associated protein (MAP65) family is a family of plant microtubule-bundling proteins. Functional analysis is complicated by the heterogeneity within this family: there are nine MAP65 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMAP65-1 to A... Read More about The Arabidopsis microtubule-associated protein AtMAP65-1: Molecular analysis of its microtubule bundling activity.