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On the polar code for the 60-GHz millimeter-wave systems

Wei, Zhuangkun; Li, Bin; Zhao, Chenglin


Bin Li

Chenglin Zhao


Given the high operating frequency band and high emission power, 60-GHz millimeter radars or communications will suffer seriously from realistic hardware impairments. Among this, a nonlinear power amplifier (PA) will significantly degrade its transmission performance. In this investigation, a polar code scheme originally developed by Arikan is suggested to enhance the transmission performance of 60-GHz millimeter communications. Considering the realistic difficulties remained in calculating the Bhattacharyya parameters and likelihood ratios, unfortunately, the classical polar coding scheme only limited to a 2 × 2 matrix, which may lose its effect when flexibly applying other l × l matrix instead. To deal with this major challenge in flexibly applying polar code, polarization feature, a method to seek out a matrix on which can be based, to construct polar code schemes, will be demonstrated mathematically. That is, any specified not upper triangular matrix can be used to generate a generalized polar code scheme. Secondly, two efficient recursive algorithms, i.e., recursive Z algorithm and recursive likelihood ratio algorithm, are innovatively proposed, in order to design such a generalized polar code scheme after an l × l matrix with polarization feature is specified. Then, the process of constructing a new polar code scheme, based on a 3 × 3 matrix, is presented to test the effectiveness of the recursive Z algorithm and the recursive likelihood ratio algorithm. Experimental simulations that show a significant promotion on bit error ratio (BER) of that new polar code scheme, and illustrate a similar performance of BER with Arikan’s original scheme, verify a successful process of flexibly constructing a generalized polar code scheme, on which a more sophisticated scheme based on other l × l matrix can be rested. It is further demonstrated that polar coding schemes can surpass the popular low-density parity-check (LDPC) code, especially when dealing with nonlinear distortions in 60-GHz communication system, which hence provides a greater promise for practical use.


Wei, Z., Li, B., & Zhao, C. (2015). On the polar code for the 60-GHz millimeter-wave systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015(1), Article 31.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Feb 18, 2015
Publication Date 2015-12
Deposit Date Feb 13, 2025
Journal EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Print ISSN 1687-1472
Electronic ISSN 1687-1499
Publisher SpringerOpen
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2015
Issue 1
Article Number 31
Public URL