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The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of M31 Satellite Galaxies. I. RR Lyrae–based Distances and Refined 3D Geometric Structure

Savino, Alessandro; Weisz, Daniel R.; Skillman, Evan D.; Dolphin, Andrew; Kallivayalil, Nitya; Wetzel, Andrew; Anderson, Jay; Besla, Gurtina; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael; Bullock, James S.; Cole, Andrew A.; Collins, Michelle L. M.; Cooper, M. C.; Deason, Alis J.; Dotter, Aaron L.; Fardal, Mark; Ferguson, Annette M. N.; Fritz, Tobias K.; Geha, Marla C.; Gilbert, Karoline M.; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Ibata, Rodrigo; Irwin, Michael J.; Jeon, Myoungwon; Kirby, Evan; Lewis, Geraint F.; Mackey, Dougal; Majewski, Steven R.; Martin, Nicolas; McConnachie, Alan; Patel, Ekta; Rich, R. Michael; Simon, Joshua D.; Sohn, Sangmo Tony; Tollerud, Erik J.; van der Marel, Roeland P.

The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of M31 Satellite Galaxies. I. RR Lyrae–based Distances and Refined 3D Geometric Structure Thumbnail


Alessandro Savino

Daniel R. Weisz

Evan D. Skillman

Andrew Dolphin

Nitya Kallivayalil

Andrew Wetzel

Jay Anderson

Gurtina Besla

Michael Boylan-Kolchin

James S. Bullock

Andrew A. Cole

Michelle L. M. Collins

M. C. Cooper

Aaron L. Dotter

Mark Fardal

Annette M. N. Ferguson

Tobias K. Fritz

Marla C. Geha

Karoline M. Gilbert

Puragra Guhathakurta

Rodrigo Ibata

Michael J. Irwin

Myoungwon Jeon

Evan Kirby

Geraint F. Lewis

Dougal Mackey

Steven R. Majewski

Nicolas Martin

Alan McConnachie

Ekta Patel

R. Michael Rich

Joshua D. Simon

Sangmo Tony Sohn

Erik J. Tollerud

Roeland P. van der Marel


We measure homogeneous distances to M31 and 38 associated stellar systems (−16.8 ≤ MV ≤ −6.0), using time-series observations of RR Lyrae stars taken as part of the Hubble Space Telescope Treasury Survey of M31 Satellites. From >700 orbits of new/archival Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging, we identify >4700 RR Lyrae stars and determine their periods and mean magnitudes to a typical precision of 0.01 day and 0.04 mag. Based on period–Wesenheit–metallicity relationships consistent with the Gaia eDR3 distance scale, we uniformly measure heliocentric and M31-centric distances to a typical precision of ∼20 kpc (3%) and ∼10 kpc (8%), respectively. We revise the 3D structure of the M31 galactic ecosystem and: (i) confirm a highly anisotropic spatial distribution such that ∼80% of M31's satellites reside on the near side of M31; this feature is not easily explained by observational effects; (ii) affirm the thin (rms 7–23 kpc) planar "arc" of satellites that comprises roughly half (15) of the galaxies within 300 kpc from M31; (iii) reassess the physical proximity of notable associations such as the NGC 147/185 pair and M33/AND xxii; and (iv) illustrate challenges in tip-of-the-red-giant branch distances for galaxies with MV > − 9.5, which can be biased by up to 35%. We emphasize the importance of RR Lyrae for accurate distances to faint galaxies that should be discovered by upcoming facilities (e.g., Rubin Observatory). We provide updated luminosities and sizes for our sample. Our distances will serve as the basis for future investigation of the star formation and orbital histories of the entire known M31 satellite system.


Savino, A., Weisz, D. R., Skillman, E. D., Dolphin, A., Kallivayalil, N., Wetzel, A., Anderson, J., Besla, G., Boylan-Kolchin, M., Bullock, J. S., Cole, A. A., Collins, M. L. M., Cooper, M. C., Deason, A. J., Dotter, A. L., Fardal, M., Ferguson, A. M. N., Fritz, T. K., Geha, M. C., Gilbert, K. M., …van der Marel, R. P. (2022). The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of M31 Satellite Galaxies. I. RR Lyrae–based Distances and Refined 3D Geometric Structure. Astrophysical Journal, 938(2), Article 101.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 12, 2022
Online Publication Date Oct 18, 2022
Publication Date Oct 20, 2022
Deposit Date Sep 3, 2024
Publicly Available Date Sep 4, 2024
Journal The Astrophysical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-637X
Electronic ISSN 1538-4357
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 938
Issue 2
Article Number 101
Public URL


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