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MELCHIORS: The Mercator Library of High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy

Royer, P.; Merle, T.; Dsilva, K.; Sekaran, S.; Van Winckel, H.; Frémat, Y.; Van der Swaelmen, M.; Gebruers, S.; Tkachenko, A.; Laverick, M.; Dirickx, M.; Raskin, G.; Hensberge, H.; Abdul-Masih, M.; Acke, B.; Alonso, M. L.; Bandhu Mahato, S.; Beck, P. G.; Behara, N.; Bloemen, S.; Buysschaert, B.; Cox, N.; Debosscher, J.; De Cat, P.; Degroote, P.; De Nutte, R.; De Smedt, K.; de Vries, B.; Dumortier, L.; Escorza, A.; Exter, K.; Goriely, S.; Gorlova, N.; Hillen, M.; Homan, W.; Jorissen, A.; Kamath, D.; Karjalainen, M.; Karjalainen, R.; Lampens, P.; Lobel, A.; Lombaert, R.; Marcos-Arenal, P.; Menu, J.; Merges, F.; Moravveji, E.; Nemeth, P.; Neyskens, P.; Ostensen, R.; Pápics, P. I.; Perez, J.; Prins, S.; Royer, S.; Samadi-Ghadim, A.; Sana, H.; Sans Fuentes, A.; Scaringi, S.; Schmid, V.; Siess, L.; Siopis, C.; Smolders, K.; Sódor, Á.; Thoul, A.; Triana, S.; Vandenbussche, B.; Van de Sande, M.; Van De Steene, G.; Van Eck, S.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Van Marle, A. J.; Van Reeth, T.; Vermeylen, L.;...

MELCHIORS: The Mercator Library of High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy Thumbnail


P. Royer

T. Merle

K. Dsilva

S. Sekaran

H. Van Winckel

Y. Frémat

M. Van der Swaelmen

S. Gebruers

A. Tkachenko

M. Laverick

M. Dirickx

G. Raskin

H. Hensberge

M. Abdul-Masih

B. Acke

M. L. Alonso

S. Bandhu Mahato

P. G. Beck

N. Behara

S. Bloemen

B. Buysschaert

N. Cox

J. Debosscher

P. De Cat

P. Degroote

R. De Nutte

K. De Smedt

B. de Vries

L. Dumortier

A. Escorza

K. Exter

S. Goriely

N. Gorlova

M. Hillen

W. Homan

A. Jorissen

D. Kamath

M. Karjalainen

R. Karjalainen

P. Lampens

A. Lobel

R. Lombaert

P. Marcos-Arenal

J. Menu

F. Merges

E. Moravveji

P. Nemeth

P. Neyskens

R. Ostensen

P. I. Pápics

J. Perez

S. Prins

S. Royer

A. Samadi-Ghadim

H. Sana

A. Sans Fuentes

V. Schmid

L. Siess

C. Siopis

K. Smolders

Á. Sódor

A. Thoul

S. Triana

B. Vandenbussche

M. Van de Sande

G. Van De Steene

S. Van Eck

P. A. M. van Hoof

A. J. Van Marle

T. Van Reeth

L. Vermeylen

D. Volpi

J. Vos

C. Waelkens


Aims. Over the past decades, libraries of stellar spectra have been used in a large variety of science cases, including as sources of reference spectra for a given object or a given spectral type. Despite the existence of large libraries and the increasing number of projects of large-scale spectral surveys, there is to date only one very high-resolution spectral library offering spectra from a few hundred objects from the southern hemisphere (UVES-POP). We aim to extend the sample, offering a finer coverage of effective temperatures and surface gravity with a uniform collection of spectra obtained in the northern hemisphere.

Methods. Between 2010 and 2020, we acquired several thousand echelle spectra of bright stars with the Mercator-HERMES spectrograph located in the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma, whose pipeline offers high-quality data reduction products. We have also developed methods to correct for the instrumental response in order to approach the true shape of the spectral continuum. Additionally, we have devised a normalisation process to provide a homogeneous normalisation of the full spectral range for most of the objects.

Results. We present a new spectral library consisting of 3256 spectra covering 2043 stars. It combines high signal-to-noise and high spectral resolution over the entire range of effective temperatures and luminosity classes. The spectra are presented in four versions: raw, corrected from the instrumental response, with and without correction from the atmospheric molecular absorption, and normalised (including the telluric correction).


Royer, P., Merle, T., Dsilva, K., Sekaran, S., Van Winckel, H., Frémat, Y., …Waelkens, C. (2024). MELCHIORS: The Mercator Library of High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 681, Article A107.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 18, 2023
Online Publication Date Jan 24, 2024
Publication Date 2024-01
Deposit Date Mar 21, 2024
Publicly Available Date Mar 21, 2024
Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics
Print ISSN 0004-6361
Electronic ISSN 1432-0746
Publisher EDP Sciences
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 681
Article Number A107
Public URL


Published Journal Article (7.1 Mb)

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Open Access article, published by EDP Sciences, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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