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Blockchain Evolution: from Bitcoin to Forensic in Smart Grids

Kotsiuba, Igor; Velykzhanin, Artem; Biloborodov, Oleg; Skarga-Bandurova, Inna; Biloborodova, Tetiana; Yanovich, Yury; Zhygulin, Viacheslav


Artem Velykzhanin

Oleg Biloborodov

Inna Skarga-Bandurova

Tetiana Biloborodova

Yury Yanovich

Viacheslav Zhygulin


Smart Grids is an emerging technology promising significant changes in the economy and the social sphere. One among many challenges in their development and distribution is security. Considering recent hackers attacks on energy grids and taking into account the distributed structure of these systems the use of traditional means of computer protection and the search for a crime figure becomes more difficult or impossible. In this article, we introduce some application areas of smart grid forensic science, discuss the opportunities, and outline the open issues in the topic. We summarized challenges for forensic in Smart Grids in connection with a Blockchain and proposed a decentralized transaction platform based on Blockchain tailored to the energy sector with all the latest technology such as advanced metering infrastructure, distributed generation, etc.


Kotsiuba, I., Velykzhanin, A., Biloborodov, O., Skarga-Bandurova, I., Biloborodova, T., Yanovich, Y., & Zhygulin, V. (2018, December). Blockchain Evolution: from Bitcoin to Forensic in Smart Grids. Paper presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Seattle, WA, USA

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
Start Date Dec 10, 2018
End Date Dec 13, 2018
Publication Date 2018-12
Deposit Date Nov 10, 2023
Public URL
Additional Information No file attached - before author came to Durham