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The Development of a Digital Switched Mode Power Supply Controller and Controller Design Tool

Maiden, A; Purvis, A.; Kinghorn, M.


A Maiden

M. Kinghorn


This paper presents a software tool for the autonomous design of digital Switched-Mode Power Supply compensators based on step -response. The program uses a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to locate an optimal controller configuration within a search space. Simulation results for an example system are presented and compared with a traditionally designed controller. The results of using the software to design a DSP control system for a battery charger application are detailed.


Maiden, A., Purvis, A., & Kinghorn, M. (2003, March). The Development of a Digital Switched Mode Power Supply Controller and Controller Design Tool. Presented at Proc International Signal Processing Conference, Dallas, Texas

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Proc International Signal Processing Conference
Publication Date 2003-03
Public URL