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The Blackwell Companion to Digital Humanities: a Roundtable Discussion.

Schreibman, S.; Siemens, R.; Unsworth, J.; McCarty, W.; Smith, M.N.; Rockwell, G.; Smith, A.; Warwick, C.; Willett, P.


S. Schreibman

R. Siemens

J. Unsworth

W. McCarty

M.N. Smith

G. Rockwell

A. Smith

P. Willett


Peter Liddell

Ray Siemens

Alejandro Bia

Martin Holmes

Patricia Baer

Greg Newton

Stewart Arneil


This session will reflect on the recently published Blackwell Companion to Digital Humanities by six of its contributors and its three editors. This collection marks a turning point in the field of digital humanities: for the first time, a wide range of theorists and practitioners, those who have been active in the field for decades, and those recently involved, disciplinary experts, computer scientists, and library and information studies specialists, have been brought together to consider digital humanities as a discipline in its own right, as well as to reflect on how it relates to areas of traditional humanities scholarship.


Schreibman, S., Siemens, R., Unsworth, J., McCarty, W., Smith, M., Rockwell, G., Smith, A., Warwick, C., & Willett, P. (2005, June). The Blackwell Companion to Digital Humanities: a Roundtable Discussion. Presented at ACH/ALLC 2005 The International Conference on Humanities Computing and Digital Scholarship: The 17th Joint International Conference University of Victoria June 15 - June 18, 2005., University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name ACH/ALLC 2005 The International Conference on Humanities Computing and Digital Scholarship: The 17th Joint International Conference University of Victoria June 15 - June 18, 2005.
Publication Date 2005-06
Deposit Date Sep 5, 2014
Pages 210-211
Edition 2nd ed.
Public URL
Publisher URL