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Omega_M and the CNOC Surveys

Carlberg, R.G.; Yee, H.K.C.; Lin, H.; Swicki, M.; Shepherd, C.W.; Ellingson, E.; Morris, S.L.; Schade, D.; Hesser, J.E.; Hutchings, J.B.; Oke, J.B.; Patton, D.; Wirth, G.; Balogh, M.; Hartwick, F.D.A.; Pritchet, C.J.; Abraham, R.; Smecker-Hane, T.


R.G. Carlberg

H.K.C. Yee

H. Lin

M. Swicki

C.W. Shepherd

E. Ellingson

D. Schade

J.E. Hesser

J.B. Hutchings

J.B. Oke

D. Patton

G. Wirth

M. Balogh

F.D.A. Hartwick

C.J. Pritchet

R. Abraham

T. Smecker-Hane


Carlberg, R., Yee, H., Lin, H., Swicki, M., Shepherd, C., Ellingson, E., Morris, S., Schade, D., Hesser, J., Hutchings, J., Oke, J., Patton, D., Wirth, G., Balogh, M., Hartwick, F., Pritchet, C., Abraham, R., & Smecker-Hane, T. (1998, December). Omega_M and the CNOC Surveys

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date 1998
Deposit Date Feb 16, 2012
Pages 119-126
Book Title Large Scale Structure: Tracks and Traces. Proceedings of the 12th Potsdam Cosmology Workshop, held in Potsdam, September 15th to 19th, 1997.
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