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Modernization as Translation: Eighteenth-Century Russia

Tyulenev, Sergey



Ton Naaijkens


Translations are crucial to the flow of themes, images, forms and ideas across boundaries. They constitute a special case of cultural dynamics as, in a sense, they are existing texts revived in a new form. The introduction of textual works in a target culture involves a high degree of strategy and control. These moments of control, selection and influence deserve special attention in cultural, receptional, and translation-historical studies. The essays in this yearbook address aspects of the central topic: the impact of translations on cultural-historical developments in Europe. First and foremost is the question which works were selected and why, and next which were neglected and why. In a wider scope: what - in the long-term processes of cultural transfer - were the peaks or key moments, and of which nature was the discourse accompanying the presence of a foreign-language culture in translation? Why did it all happen like this, and what was the precise impact of the introduction of new works, new ideas, new culture through the medium of translation? These are the questions to which the authors of this work attempt to provide answers.


Tyulenev, S. (2010). Modernization as Translation: Eighteenth-Century Russia. In T. Naaijkens (Ed.), Event or Incident = Evénement ou Incident; On the Role of Translation in the Dynamics of Cultural Exchange = Du rôle des traductions dans les processus d’échanges culturels (15-28). Peter Lang

Publication Date 2010-10
Deposit Date Dec 20, 2012
Publisher Peter Lang
Pages 15-28
Book Title Event or Incident = Evénement ou Incident; On the Role of Translation in the Dynamics of Cultural Exchange = Du rôle des traductions dans les processus d’échanges culturels
Public URL