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An earth system approach to understanding the end-Ordovician (Hirnantian) mass extinction

Armstrong, H.A.; Harper, D.A.T.

An earth system approach to understanding the end-Ordovician (Hirnantian) mass extinction Thumbnail


H.A. Armstrong


G. Keller

A. Kerr


The Hirnantian mass extinction is recognized as the first of the "big three" extinctions and, along with the end-Permian and end-Cretaceous events, is the result of an acceleration in biotic extinctions concomitant with a rise in originations. The Hirnantian mass extinction is characterized by high taxonomic impact and within-­community extinctions. The Hirnantian mass extinction is also unusual in that (1) it is associated with glaciation, but there is little evidence elsewhere in the younger Phanerozoic that glaciations have been a cause of mass extinction, and (2) there is limited understanding of how glaciation could directly cause mass extinction, particularly in the marine realm. In this review, we argue that coordinated extinctions occurred at the onset and termination of glaciation and were due to climatically induced changes in relative sea level, ocean redox stratification, and sea-surface temperature gradients. These earth system changes resulted in a reduction in prospective niche space, both in the water column and on the seafloor, which in turn led to increased competition and selection pressures, resulting in extinctions where the carrying capacities of particular ecological niches were exceeded. The long-term ventilation of the oceans broke the link between glaciation and mass extinction.


Armstrong, H., & Harper, D. (2014). An earth system approach to understanding the end-Ordovician (Hirnantian) mass extinction. In G. Keller, & A. Kerr (Eds.), Volcanism, impacts, and mass extinctions : causes and effects (287-300). Geological Society of America.

Publication Date Sep 30, 2014
Deposit Date May 22, 2014
Publicly Available Date Jul 25, 2014
Publisher Geological Society of America
Pages 287-300
Series Title Special papers.
Book Title Volcanism, impacts, and mass extinctions : causes and effects.
Public URL
Additional Information GSA Special Paper 505


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