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Luigi Cardini (1898-1971): a biography

Skeates, R.



K. Francis


Little has been written about Luigi Cardini, with the exception of a couple of obituaries (Segre 1972; Acanfora 1971) and some brief statements about his contribution to the development of Italian archaeology (e.g. Guidi 1988: 81, 83; Peroni 1992: 65, 68; Barbanera 1998: 129). Cardini was averse to official recognition, but through his writings, both published and unpublished and through the work of others, it is possible to construct a general picture of his life and work, enabling us to consider his research in Albania in the context of his career as a whole.


Skeates, R. (2005). Luigi Cardini (1898-1971): a biography. In K. Francis (Ed.), Explorations in Albania, 1930-39: the notebooks of Luigi Cardini, prehistorian with the Italian archaeological mission (4-9). British School at Athens

Publication Date Jan 1, 2005
Deposit Date May 24, 2016
Publisher British School at Athens
Pages 4-9
Series Title BSA Supplementary Volume
Series Number 37
Book Title Explorations in Albania, 1930-39: the notebooks of Luigi Cardini, prehistorian with the Italian archaeological mission.
Chapter Number 1.2
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