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Developing a Cost-Effective Virtual Cluster on the Cloud

McGough, Andrew Stephen

Developing a Cost-Effective Virtual Cluster on the Cloud Thumbnail


Andrew Stephen McGough


Kurt Vanmechelen

Jörn Altmann

Omer F. Rana


The Cloud provides highly democratic access to computer services on a pay-per-use basis. A fact that has encouraged many researchers to adopt the Cloud for the processing of large computational tasks and data storage. This has been used in the past for single research endeavours or as mechanism for coping with excessive load on conventional computational resources (clusters). In this paper we investigate, through the use of simulation, the applicability of running an entire computer cluster on the Cloud. We investigate a number of policy decisions which can be made over such a virtual cluster to reduce the running cost and the effect these policies have on the users of the cluster.


McGough, A. S. (2012). Developing a Cost-Effective Virtual Cluster on the Cloud. In K. Vanmechelen, J. Altmann, & O. F. Rana (Eds.), Economics of grids, clouds, systems, and services: 8th International Workshop, GECON 2011, Paphos, Cyprus, December 5, 2011; Revised Selected Papers (185-197). Springer Verlag.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2012
Deposit Date Dec 13, 2015
Publicly Available Date Apr 13, 2016
Publisher Springer Verlag
Pages 185-197
Series Title Lecture notes in computer science
Book Title Economics of grids, clouds, systems, and services: 8th International Workshop, GECON 2011, Paphos, Cyprus, December 5, 2011; Revised Selected Papers
ISBN 9783642286742
Public URL
Contract Date Dec 13, 2015


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