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Special Report: Health for All - from Alma Ata to Almaty

Barten, Françoise; Schrecker, Ted; Woodward, David


Françoise Barten

Ted Schrecker

David Woodward


The global health policy landscape has changed considerably over the past decade. There is more money available to allocate to health initiatives than ever before, a large percentage of which has come from private funds and public private partnerships (PPPs). Some experts have welcomed these changes, while others have had considerable reservations. Despite positive developments, such as increased access to antiretroviral therapy for patients with HIV/AIDS, the health situation in poor countries and for the poor communities of rich countries remains abominable. It is often in the world’s poorest countries that the highest percentage of health costs is met with private, out-of-pocket spending. This creates poverty traps that can be impossible for people to escape.


Barten, F., Schrecker, T., & Woodward, D. (2009). Special Report: Health for All - from Alma Ata to Almaty

Other Type Other
Publication Date Jan 1, 2009
Deposit Date Jun 26, 2013
Pages 1-7
Public URL
Additional Information URL of output:
Issue: 12
ISSN or ISBN: 1874-2033
Additional Information: Reprinted in Spanish as “Un abordaje radicalmente nuevo para la salud global: Salud para todos,” in F. Barten, M. Rovere y E. Espinoza, compiladores, Salud para todos: una meta possible (San Salvador: Ministerio de Salud, Gobierno de El Salvador, 2010): 211-224;