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An Acceleration Approach for Fracture Problems in the Extended Boundary Element Method (XBEM) Framework

Hattori, G.; Kettle, S.H.; Campos, L.; Trevelyan, J.; Albuquerque, E.L.


G. Hattori

S.H. Kettle

L. Campos

J. Trevelyan

E.L. Albuquerque


C. Constanda

M. Dalla Riva

P. Lamberti

P. Musolino


In this paper we investigate the use of the adaptive cross approximation (ACA) in the extended boundary element method (XBEM) framework. The proposed XBEM formulation is an implicit enrichment approach, where the stress intensity factors (SIF) are obtained with the displacements, eliminating the need of further post-processing to calculate these parameters. However, it is known that the boundary element formulation has drawbacks with respect to the matrix of the linear system of equations. Such matrices are unsymmetric and fully populated, which can be computationally expensive for large fracture problems containing multiple boundaries. We will show that ACA has the potential to accelerate the computational time without reducing the accuracy of the solution.


Hattori, G., Kettle, S., Campos, L., Trevelyan, J., & Albuquerque, E. (2017). An Acceleration Approach for Fracture Problems in the Extended Boundary Element Method (XBEM) Framework. In C. Constanda, M. Dalla Riva, P. Lamberti, & P. Musolino (Eds.), Integral methods in science and engineering. Volume 2. Practical applications (105-113). Springer Verlag.

Online Publication Date Sep 9, 2017
Publication Date Sep 9, 2017
Deposit Date Oct 2, 2017
Publisher Springer Verlag
Pages 105-113
Book Title Integral methods in science and engineering. Volume 2. Practical applications.
ISBN 9783319593869
Public URL