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Random drift and culture change

Bentley, Alex; Hahn, M.W.; Shennan, S.J.


Alex Bentley

M.W. Hahn

S.J. Shennan


We show that the frequency distributions of cultural variants, in three different real-world examples--first names, archaeological pottery and applications for technology patents--follow power laws that can be explained by a simple model of random drift. We conclude that cultural and economic choices often reflect a decision process that is value-neutral; this result has far-reaching testable implications for social-science research


Bentley, A., Hahn, M., & Shennan, S. (2004). Random drift and culture change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 271(1547), 1443-1450.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jul 1, 2004
Deposit Date Mar 5, 2008
Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Print ISSN 0962-8452
Electronic ISSN 1471-2954
Publisher The Royal Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 271
Issue 1547
Pages 1443-1450
Keywords Cultural evolution, Random genetic drift, Patents, First names, Pottery, Power laws.
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