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The loss of the PDE6 deactivating enzyme, RGS9, results in precocious light adaptation at low light levels

Stockman, A.; Smithson, H.E.; Webster, A.R.; Holder, G.E.; Rana, N.A.; Ripamonti, C.; Sharpe, L.T.


A. Stockman

H.E. Smithson

A.R. Webster

G.E. Holder

N.A. Rana

C. Ripamonti

L.T. Sharpe


The GTPase activating protein, RGS9-1, is vital for the deactivation and regulation of the phototransduction cascade (C. K. Chen et al., 2000; C. W. Cowan, R. N. Fariss, I. Sokal, K. Palczewski, & T. G. Wensel, 1998; W. He, C. W. Cowan, & T. G. Wensel, 1998; A. L. Lyubarsky et al., 2001). Its loss through genetic defects in humans has been linked to a slow recovery to changes in illumination (K. M. Nishiguchi et al., 2004). Such a deficit is to be expected because RGS9-1 normally speeds up the deactivation of the activated phosphodiesterase effector molecule, PDE6*, and thus accelerates the turning off of the visual response. Paradoxically, however, we find that the cone response in an observer lacking RGS9-1 is faster at lower light levels than it is in a normal observer. Though surprising, this result is nonetheless consistent with molecular models of light adaptation (e.g., E. N. Pugh, S. Nikonov, & T. D. Lamb, 1999), which predict that the excess of PDE6* resulting from the loss of RGS9-1 will shorten the visual integration time and speed up the visual response at inappropriately low light levels. The gain in speed caused by the superfluity of PDE6* at lower light levels compensates for the loss caused by its slow deactivation; thus quickening the response relative to that in the normal. As the light level is increased and the PDE6* concentration in the normal rises relative to that in the observer lacking RGS9-1, the temporal advantage of the latter is soon lost, leaving only the deficit due to delayed deactivation.


Stockman, A., Smithson, H., Webster, A., Holder, G., Rana, N., Ripamonti, C., & Sharpe, L. (2008). The loss of the PDE6 deactivating enzyme, RGS9, results in precocious light adaptation at low light levels. Journal of Vision, 8(1),

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 18, 2008
Deposit Date Oct 25, 2011
Journal Journal of Vision
Electronic ISSN 1534-7362
Publisher Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 1
Keywords Vision, Cone photoreceptor, Visual transduction, Photopigment,Bradyopsia, RGS9, PDE6, Light adaptation.
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