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Analysis of rotor-rotor and stator-stator interferences in multi-stage turbomachines

He, L.; Chen, T.; Wells, R.G.; Li, Y.S.; Ning, W.


L. He

T. Chen

R.G. Wells

Y.S. Li

W. Ning


A nonlinear harmonic methodology is adopted to analyze interactions between adjacent stages in multi-stage compressors. Of particular interest are the effects of circumferential aperiodic" distributions and the relative circumferential positioning ('clocking') of blades. The main feature of the present approach is that both the aperiodic and clocking effects are very efficiently included with circumferential "steady" harmonic disturbances. Consequently, a single run of the nonlinear harmonic solver using a single-passage domain can produce the whole annulus unsteady and aperiodic time-averaged flow field. In addition, performance variation at any clocking position can be obtained simply by postprocessing the result. A case study is presented for a two-and-half-stage transonic compressor, pressor and the present results show much stronger rotor-rotor interaction than stator, stator interaction. A mechanism leading to strong rotor-rotor interference seems to be the, interaction between upstream rotor wakes and the downstream rotor passage shock waves. A rotor-rotor clocking study illustrates a qualitatively different loss variation with respect to clocking position in a transonic flow compared to that in a subsonic flow.


He, L., Chen, T., Wells, R., Li, Y., & Ning, W. (2002). Analysis of rotor-rotor and stator-stator interferences in multi-stage turbomachines. Journal of Turbomachinery, 124(4), 564-571.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2002-10
Deposit Date Apr 23, 2008
Journal Journal of Turbomachinery
Print ISSN 0889-504X
Electronic ISSN 1528-8900
Publisher American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 124
Issue 4
Pages 564-571
Keywords Gas turbines, Compressors, Computational fluid dynamics, Interference, Transonic flow, Equations.
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