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Recollection in an episodic-like memory task in the rat

Eacott, MJ.; Easton, A.; Zinkivskay, A.


MJ. Eacott

A. Zinkivskay


Episodic memory in humans is the conscious recollection of a past event. Animal models of episodic-like memory assess the memory for "what" happened, "where" it happened, and either "when" it happened, or in "which" context it happened, although recollection on such tasks is often difficult to measure. Here we present the first evidence of successful recollection of a past event in a rat in a task which is easily performed, requires little training, and is easily adaptable for other commonly used laboratory species.


Eacott, M., Easton, A., & Zinkivskay, A. (2005). Recollection in an episodic-like memory task in the rat. Learning & Memory, 12(3), 221-223.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2005-05
Deposit Date Mar 30, 2007
Journal Learning & Memory
Print ISSN 1072-0502
Electronic ISSN 1549-5485
Publisher Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Issue 3
Pages 221-223
Public URL