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Communicative openness within adoptive families: adoptive parents’ narrative accounts of the challenges of adoption talk and the approaches used to manage these challenges

Jones, C.; Hackett, J.


C. Jones


CA Jones


Policy and practice relating to openness in adoption have changed substantially in the last 30 years. There is a growing body of empirical research that supports both structural and communicative openness, and there is widespread consensus that communicative openness is desirable within adoptive families. Despite this, there is evidence that some adoptive parents and their adopted children struggle to achieve the level of communicative openness to which they aspire. This paper presents data from a small-scale exploratory study of adoptive family life. It draws on the narrative accounts of adoptive mothers and fathers to explore some of the sensitivities of adoption talk, the communication challenges experienced by adoptive parents, and the ways that adopters manage these challenges. Finally, some suggestions are made for practice.


Jones, C., & Hackett, J. (2008). Communicative openness within adoptive families: adoptive parents’ narrative accounts of the challenges of adoption talk and the approaches used to manage these challenges. Adoption Quarterly, 10(3-4), 157-178.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2008
Deposit Date Oct 23, 2010
Publicly Available Date Aug 24, 2012
Journal Adoption Quarterly
Print ISSN 1092-6755
Electronic ISSN 1544-452X
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 3-4
Pages 157-178
Keywords Adoptive parents, Open adoption, openness, Adoption communication.
Public URL


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