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The design of three-dimensional turbine blades combined with profiled endwalls

Bagshaw, DA; Ingram, GL; Gregory-Smith, DG; Stokes, MR; Harvey, NW


DA Bagshaw

DG Gregory-Smith

MR Stokes

NW Harvey


This paper describes a novel design for reducing secondary flow in turbines. The design builds on previous work on non-axisymmetric profiled endwalls by combining them with three-dimensional blade design. Profiled endwalls have been shown to effectively reduce secondary flow but have often been used as a ‘retrofit’ application where the blade design is left unchanged. In the current paper reverse compound lean is used to prepare the blade row for the application of profiled endwalls. Computational fluid dynamic predictions ofthe expected performance show benefits over and above those of applying profiled endwalls to the blade row alone. The paper describes the design of the novel geometry for the so-called ‘Durham Cascade’ and gives predictions of the expected performance.


Bagshaw, D., Ingram, G., Gregory-Smith, D., Stokes, M., & Harvey, N. (2008). The design of three-dimensional turbine blades combined with profiled endwalls. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 222(1), 93-102.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Feb 1, 2008
Deposit Date Oct 26, 2011
Journal Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy
Print ISSN 0957-6509
Electronic ISSN 2041-2967
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 222
Issue 1
Pages 93-102
Keywords Secondary flow, Profiled endwalls, Turbomachinery, Blade design, Turbines, Nonaxisymmetric.
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