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EPODE approach for childhood obesity prevention : methods, progress and international development

Borys, J-M; Le Bodo, Y; Jebb, SA; Seidell, JC; Summerbell, C; Richard, D; De Henauw, S; Moreno, LA; Romon, M; Visscher, TLS; Raffin, S; Swinburn, B; Group, the EEN Study

EPODE approach for childhood obesity prevention : methods, progress and international development Thumbnail


J-M Borys

Y Le Bodo

SA Jebb

JC Seidell

D Richard

S De Henauw

LA Moreno

M Romon

TLS Visscher

S Raffin

B Swinburn

the EEN Study Group


Childhood obesity is a complex issue and needs multistakeholder involvement at all levels to foster healthier lifestyles in a sustainable way. ‘Ensemble Prévenons l'ObésitéDes Enfants’ (EPODE, Together Let's Prevent Childhood Obesity) is a large-scale, coordinated, capacity-building approach for communities to implement effective and sustainable strategies to prevent childhood obesity. This paper describes EPODE methodology and its objective of preventing childhood obesity. At a central level, a coordination team, using social marketing and organizational techniques, trains and coaches a local project manager nominated in each EPODE community by the local authorities. The local project manager is also provided with tools to mobilize local stakeholders through a local steering committee and local networks. The added value of the methodology is to mobilize stakeholders at all levels across the public and the private sectors. Its critical components include political commitment, sustainable resources, support services and a strong scientific input – drawing on the evidence-base – together with evaluation of the programme. Since 2004, EPODE methodology has been implemented in more than 500 communities in six countries. Community-based interventions are integral to childhood obesity prevention. EPODE provides a valuable model to address this challenge.


Borys, J., Le Bodo, Y., Jebb, S., Seidell, J., Summerbell, C., Richard, D., …Group, T. E. S. (2012). EPODE approach for childhood obesity prevention : methods, progress and international development. Obesity Reviews, 13(4), 299-315.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Apr 1, 2012
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2011
Publicly Available Date Jul 17, 2013
Journal Obesity Reviews
Print ISSN 1467-7881
Electronic ISSN 1467-789X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 4
Pages 299-315
Keywords Children, EPODE, obesity, prevention
Public URL


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