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The politics of social justice in neoliberal times: a reply to Slater

Pain, R.; Kesby, M.; Askins, K.

The politics of social justice in neoliberal times: a reply to Slater Thumbnail


R. Pain

M. Kesby

K. Askins


We thank Tom Slater for his comments, acknowledging that much of his paper is in significant disagreement with our own. We agree with Slater that we are engaged in contestations over meaning, and united on the principle of social justice as a guiding force for critical geographers, but we differ over how we might contribute to its realisation. This debate over tactics reflects quite different conceptualisations of power, resistance, and what it is to be political as academics. We respect Slater's ‘no’, but question whether this mode of resistance is enough. Does it constitute a politics of disobedience? Are the politics of engagement and alliance between academics, community and social movements too messy and inevitably contradictory, as he implies, for us to adopt alternative practices of research and teaching in geography beyond the academy? Among the interesting points that Slater makes, there are some errors in the portrayal of our argument that we wish to address. In particular, his inaccurate representation of the wider field of participatory geographies as largely engaged in collaborations with the state rather than grassroots organisations; and his suggestion that participatory geographies fit neatly with the impact agenda, rather than embodying an alternative. Our key focus remains the central question of what it is to be political as academics.


Pain, R., Kesby, M., & Askins, K. (2012). The politics of social justice in neoliberal times: a reply to Slater. Area, 44(1), 120-123.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Mar 1, 2012
Deposit Date Dec 29, 2011
Publicly Available Date May 8, 2014
Journal Area
Print ISSN 0004-0894
Electronic ISSN 1475-4762
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 44
Issue 1
Pages 120-123
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (198 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pain, R., Kesby, M. and Askins, K. (2012), The politics of social justice in neoliberal times: a reply to Slater. Area, 44(1): 120–123, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.

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